Schedule at a Glance | 2025 UPCEA Annual

For a more detailed breakdown of descriptions and full program details, visit our Program webpage. All times listed are based in the Mountain Time Zone.

Monday, March 24

10:00 AM UPCEA 2024-25, 2025-26 Boards of Directors Meet
11:00 AM Newcomers/First-Time Attendee Orientation
12:00 PM Lunch on Your Own
1:00 PM Opening General Session | Kim Lear
2:15 PM Networking Break: Visit Exhibit Hall
2:45 PM Concurrent Session I
4:00 PM Concurrent Session II
5:15 PM UPCEA Lead + Learn Information Sessions
5:15 PM UPCEA Hosts University Networks and International Associations Meeting
5:45 PM Opening Reception

Tuesday, March 25

7:30 AM Breakfast 
7:30 AM Institutional Representatives, Council for Chief Online Learning Officers (C-COLO), and Council for Credential Innovation (CCI) Breakfast Briefing | Reduced-Credit Degree: Preparing for Disruption While Leading Credential Innovation [by invitation onlyseparate registration required]
8:15 AM Concurrent Sessions III
9:30 AM Concurrent Sessions IV
10:30 AM Networking Break: Visit Exhibit Hall
11:00 AM General Session | Cathy N. Davidson
12:15 PM Buffet/Boxed Lunch Pickup for Network Meetings 
12:30 PM Network Lunch Meetings and Awards Presentations
2:00 PM Concurrent Sessions V
3:00 PM Networking Break: Visit Exhibit Hall
3:30 PM Concurrent Sessions VI: Workshops
5:00 PM Ask Me Anything/Braindate Lounges

Wednesday, March 26

7:30 AM Grab and Go Breakfast
7:45 AM Breakfast with Regions
8:45 AM UPCEA 2025 Association Award Individual Recipients Fireside Chat
9:30 AM Networking Break: Visit Exhibit Hall
10:00 AM Concurrent Sessions VII
11:15 AM Closing General Session | The Business of Higher Education: Elevating Access, Equity, and Mobility - Dr. Mordecai Ian Brownlee
12:30 PM Adjourn; invite to UPCEA 2026 Annual Conference in New Orleans
1:30 PM Optional: Auraria Campus Walking Tour