Program | 2023 UPCEA MEMS

Wednesday, November 29

10:00 AM Registration Open
Location: Plaza Foyer
11:00 AM Newcomers' Welcome
Location: Pavilion West
New to MEMS? Join us to hear ideas about how to navigate the 2023 MEMS Conference. This session will provide an opportunity to meet new colleagues and plan your conference adventure.
1:00 PM Opening General Session | Marissa Shandell
Location: Grand Ballroom
2:15 PM Networking Break: Coffee with Exhibitors
Location: Atrium Ballroom
Sponsored by Anthology
2:45 PM

Concurrent Sessions I 

How to Build an Online Brand Without Outsourcing
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
The online program market is growing, and competition is fiercer than ever. Established online universities are marketing on the web, on television and on social media. How can those in continuing and online education within traditional on-campus universities compete with a smaller budget and even smaller staff? We’ll share how we defined our roles, structured our department, worked with programs, and operated our marketing, analytics and communications teams to successfully launch our UOnline brand at the University of Utah. We’ll share how we track our success, determine appropriate KPI’s, but we’ll also share our mistakes, so you don’t make them. Participants can look forward to an informative and interactive session with our Associate Director of Digital Marketing and Manager of Communications for Online Student Recruitment.

  • Summer Pessatore, University of Utah
  • Andrew Stone, University of Utah

Moderator: Ashley Law, Johns Hopkins University-School of Medicine

Success Coaching: An Effective Strategy for Online Student Retention
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success
This presentation will discuss the development of an enhanced retention strategy for online student support informed by andragogical principles and the InsideTrack success coaching framework. The presenters will share how success coaching has been incorporated into the institution’s student support practices and how the approach has improved both the learner and staff member experience. The implementation of success coaching goes beyond student support services and can also be helpful to faculty in their interactions with students.

  • Corina Caraccioli, Loyola University New Orleans
  • Kai Drekmeier, InsideTrack

Moderator: Andrea Gross, University of Denver

"You’ll Thank Me Later": A Flexible Market Analysis Framework and How to Talk About It
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing
Over the past several years, UNC-Chapel Hill Digital and Lifelong Learning has developed our market analysis services from an as-needed service focused on PCE programs, to becoming the required third-party provider of market analysis for all proposed degree programs across the University. Along the way, we’ve learned a lot about how to assess student demand and labor market demand for a new program (whether for-credit or non-credit) – and how to have some tough conversations about program feasibility. Join us for lessons learned and some useful insights to take back to your institution.

  • Hilary Culbertson, Duke University
  • Todd Nicolet, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Moderator: Brad Harrison, MindEdge

The Accelerated Journey of Building a College for Adult Learners at an HBCU
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Foundational | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion, Small Unit/Budget
In 18 months, the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies at Morgan State University developed and launched 18 online interdisciplinary programs. Creating a robust recruitment, admissions, and application processing system, CICS utilized strategic collaborations, captivating events, and personalized outreach to attract diverse adult learners. Overcoming real-time technological challenges, including major coding errors affecting new students, the college navigated the process of refining its admissions system. Despite limited resources, CICS established an enrollment management ecosystem, supporting adult learners with a minimal budget and staff. Simultaneously, the college's innovative recruitment, admissions, and enrollment strategies accelerated its success while driving university-wide system advancements.

  • Nicholas Vaught, Morgan State University
  • Laquetta Bryant, Morgan State University
  • Emma Minnis, Morgan State University

Moderator: Jason Dempsey, Virtual Veterans Communities

SEO Straight Talk: True Stories From Your Peers and How They Found Success
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing
UPCEA and Search Influence’s Higher Ed SEO Research Study exposed a critical gap in digital marketing: PCO units lack SEO strategies to attract the new adult learner and nurture them down the recruitment funnel. To address this gap, universities must prioritize SEO tactics that make it easy to access information about their programs or certificates via search. Learn which SEO strategies and tactics make the biggest impact, how three universities successfully implemented them (both in-house and with an agency), and how they’ve measured their SEO success.

  • Paula French, Search Influence
  • Drew Larose, Louisiana State University
  • Christa Payne, Tulane University
  • Stephanie Platteter, University of Minnesota

Moderator: Will Scott, Search Influence

4:00 PM

Concurrent Sessions II 

Increasing Sense of Belonging Through Mentorship in a Fully Online Program
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion
How do you foster a sense of belonging among fully online students scattered throughout the country? Arizona Online tackled students’ desire to make connections by launching a wide-scale virtual peer mentoring program for undergraduate students in 2022. The program gained instant traction with close to 800 students participating either as mentees or mentors. With that rapid success, the program has since been expanded all our online students, including undergraduate and graduate populations. At this session we will discuss how Arizona Online successfully implemented a virtual mentoring program – at a large scale – and the benefits and challenges we faced along the way.

  • Heidi Creel, University of Arizona
  • Carmin Chan, University of Arizona

Moderator: Alicia Jasmin, Tulane University

The Measure of Marketing | Frameworks for building marketing strategies and communicating impact
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Marketing is more than just emails and ads. And, whether you’re piloting a new tactic or optimizing an ongoing strategy, measuring and communicating the impact of all your team does can be complex. In this presentation, Oregon State University Ecampus and Stanford Online come together to share two dynamic frameworks that have helped them test, evaluate and scale marketing initiatives and then transform those results into compelling and comprehensive narratives. You'll walk away with tools you can use right away to build a successful and sustainable culture of experimentation and to share the true scope and impact of your team's work with the rest of your organization.

  • Joel Gustafson, Oregon State University
  • Ali Duerfeldt, Oregon State University
  • Amy Nuckles, Stanford University

Moderator: Lee Maxey, MindMax

Building Data-Driven Advertising Strategies to Maximize ROI
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing
The landscape of higher education and online learning advertising has become increasingly crowded. In an era where every marketing dollar counts, Return on Investment (ROI) is king, and consistency, intentionality and strategic prowess in analyzing and utilizing marketing and enrollment data is crucial. This session will explore the key data points that aid in making effective data-driven decisions for elevating ROI. Additionally, it will provide insights on how to navigate this process without feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of data, while also highlighting methods to transform the media planning/buying mindset to effectively implement these decisions.

  • Sara Morris, University of Louisville
  • Samantha Barnes, University of Louisville

Moderator: Caleb Simmons, University of Arizona

Revitalizing Higher Education: Strategies for Online Student Reengagement
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Strategic | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Join Janice Sitzes, Ed.D., of North Carolina State University, and J.T. Allen, CEO of myFootpath, as they share effective strategies for reengaging stop-out students, and bringing them back to online and continuing education programs. Janice brings over 30 years of expertise in creating inclusive learning environments, while J.T. Allen's myFootpath has successfully re-enrolled over 27,000 stop-out students. They will share a series of case studies on how institutions can use analytics to uncover and segment stop-out students, and then understand where and how to apply effort to remove barriers and focus on the populations most likely to return.

  • Janice Sitzes, North Carolina State University
  • J.T. Allen, myFootpath

Moderator: Reyna Warren, University of Central Missouri

MEMS Talks
Location: Pavilion West
Session Format: Quickfire introduction of an idea by a single presenter without audience discussion. Up to ten, short Talks are scheduled in one concurrent session, in sequence, to offer attendees numerous, shallow forays into critical topics. A moderator will offer opening remarks, as well as work with Talks presenters to organize a thoughtful order of topics presented, and to ensure smooth, timed transitions between Talks.

Moderator: Christine Brooks-Cappadocia, York University

    It’s Not You. It’s Them… Breaking Up With Your OPM? Learn to Bring Your Services In-House!
    Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
    Grab the pint of Häagen-Dazs... If you’ve ever considered breaking up with your OPM, this session is for you. Institutions of all sizes are increasingly moving away from inflexible, costly OPMs and transitioning services like marketing, instructional design, and admissions back in-house. Vanderbilt has tackled this tricky transition and wants to share key learnings (and missteps). What considerations should you take into account before cutting ties? What are common pitfalls to avoid? How do you develop an effective transition plan? This session will encourage attendees to think outside the box when building in-house services and provide a path forward.
  • Jessica Beckmann, Vanderbilt University

    Captivate and Connect: Exploring Purdue University Online’s Innovative Webinar Strategy and Its Application in Enrollment Marketing
    Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management
    Join as we share Purdue University Online's updated webinar strategy and discover how your institution can enhance meaningful engagement with potential students through webinars. Explore innovative approaches to communication, with revamped marketing and recruiter outreach that yield impactful results. Experience the power of dynamic webinar formats, including topic-based webinars and discussion panels, designed to create meaningful connections and foster interactive learning. Learn how we created visually compelling branded collateral to reinforce our institution's identity. Additionally, we’ll share valuable insights on implementing a plan for recorded webinars, allowing prospective students to access content conveniently while enabling data collection.
  • Asheline Beeson, Purdue University Online

    Aspirational Marketing: Going Beyond “No GRE Required”
    Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing
    With many reasons to return to school and options and modalities to choose from, it’s important to break out of the sea of sameness. While students are looking for ROI, they are also looking for an authentic experience, engaging community, and an investment that paves the way to professional success. By tapping into desires, dreams and emotions, institutions can create compelling narratives that lead to increased enrollment. As marketers, we need beyond the stymied messages of “100% online,” “flexible options,” “no GRE required.” Join Baylor to discover the transformative impact of aspirational marketing and a data-driven philosophy on enrollments.
  • Kate Blom-Lowery, Baylor University

    Co-Branding in the Higher Education Landscape
    Level: Foundational | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
    Co-branding with internal partners (two or more academic units; two or more institutions within a system) or external partners requires complex solutions. Plus, prospective students still expect authenticity. Creating compelling content while maintaining brand equity is possible. Any marketing department, regardless of budget, has the opportunity to leverage co-branded content for maximum impact.
  • Sarah Whorton, University of Missouri

    Personnel Operational Effectiveness at Global Campus
    Level: Strategic | Track: Student Success
    The Office of Recruitment and Student Outreach in Global Campus at the University of Arkansas experienced tremendous growth within 10 years. This department grew from 1 director to 23 full-time and part-time staff in 10 years. Learn how our department identified new avenues of opportunity to serve our students first by shifting tasks and responsibilities to creating several sub-departments.

  • Colleen Whitman, University of Arkansas

    Creating a Podcast for Student Success and Engagement
    Level: Foundational | Track: Student Success
    This MEMS talk will focus on outlining the necessary tools for creating a podcast. The challenges and barriers in executing this vision and lessons learned. While also demonstrating the value of a student success-oriented podcast has on raising awareness about student resources and student success. Additionally, I will offer some brief data insights from my podcast i to offer a baseline for metrics others who wish to create their own podcast.

  • Eddie Rodriguez, Oregon State University Ecampus

5:15 PM Colleagues Connect/Informal Networking
Location: Pavilion West
Looking to find your people at MEMS? Join us to connect in smaller, informal groups with your peers working in Marketing, Enrollment Management, or Student Success.
5:45 PM Opening Reception
Location: Atrium Ballroom

Thursday, November 30

7:00 AM Registration Opens
Location: Plaza Foyer
7:00 AM Continental Breakfast
Location: Ballroom Foyer
7:30 AM

Breakfast Briefing | UPCEA Research and Consulting
Location: Grand Ballroom

  • Katie Camacho Smith, TikTok
  • Ananya Jha, Google
  • Ramon Vinluan, LinkedIn

Moderator: Bruce Etter, UPCEA

8:30 AM

Concurrent Sessions III

The Paid Media Balancing Act: How Budget, Data, and Audience Targeting Shape Your Marketing Strategy
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Diversity & Inclusion, Small Unit/Budget
When faced with a limited marketing budget it’s essential for marketers to have precise audience targeting, data-driven strategies, and the right balance between brand awareness and lead generation for paid media campaigns. In this session we'll discuss how to make informed decisions when it comes to channels and placements, share specific details about proven audience targeting tactics, and explore the benefits and risks associated with different approaches you may be considering. In today's competitive higher ed landscape, brand recognition, engagement, and conversions are critical for any institution. We will provide specific tactics, insights, and strategies that will help ensure your advertising dollars go further.

  • Mary Newhoff, University of Washington
  • Katie Vesbach, Chair 10 Marketing
  • Samantha Barnes, University of Louisville
  • Sara Morris, University of Louisville

Moderator: Keith Otterberg, California State University, Dominguez Hills

Higher Education Designed for the Adult Learner: Finding and Fueling your Program Pipeline
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials
Most efforts to recruit and serve adults are inefficient and not tailored to their needs. Learn how two Universities have found unique solutions to this challenge by meeting students where they are, helping them feel like they belong and preparing them for the future of work and lifelong learning. Executive director Bonnie Blumer, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has reimagined the customer journey by listening to students and focusing on value creation and marketing efficiencies. Using person level predictive modeling, they have solved several of their outreach challenges and made finding adults with intent to enroll more efficient and effective. Learn from Jill Pippin, Dean for Extended Learning, at SUNY Oswego, as she shares a case study of best practices beyond marketing with their Integrative Professional Studies degree program, designed intentionally for adults. Leave the session equipped to launch adult centered programs to support growth and revenue goals at your institution.

  • Andrea Shaw, CollegeAPP
  • Bonnie Blumer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Jack MacKenzie, CollegeAPP
  • Jill Pippin, SUNY Oswego

Moderator: Melissa Ratliff, Wake Forest University

The Razorbug: Hitting High Gear in Content Strategy
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
The University of Arkansas Razorback is a nationally known, one-of-a-kind mascot. In the summer of 2022, our marketing and recruitment teams used a four-wheeled version of the Razorback – the Razorbug, a tricked-out Volkswagen bug – to deliver diplomas to online graduates in rural Arkansas far from our institution. This strategy produced tons of content (stories, videos, photos) that we’ve carefully deployed over the past year. Hometown media coverage was a bonus, and our chancellor praised the spirit behind our 2,000-mile journey and its nod to our land-grant mission. Like flying pigs, you have to see it to believe it.

  • Kay Murphy, University of Arkansas
  • Heidi Wells, University of Arkansas
  • Leonard Ridley, University of Arkansas Global Campus

Moderator: Chris Hansen, Everspring

A Case Study Examining the Performance of a Slate Drip Campaign Promoting a Graduate School Program
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Foundational | Track: Marketing
This presentation will examine the performance of a Slate drip campaign promoting a graduate school program. It will cover the content of the emails as well as the reasoning behind the messaging. It will also identify performance expectations in addition to performance metrics such as click-through and conversion rates. The presentation will discuss the collaborative nature of planning for and launching the campaign, and how it was part of specific efforts to promote graduate school programs at the university.

  • Angela Harlan, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Stacie Collins, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Moderator: Kamilah Lewis, Noodle

An Evolving Success Story: Creating University-Wide Partnerships for Admissions & Enrollment Strategy
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management
Hear how Boston University has created partnerships for admissions & enrollment strategy across 17 schools and colleges to manage decentralized graduate admissions alongside some centralized resource offices. Led by the Graduate Affairs Office in the University Provost’s office, BU has established team of over 100 administrative staff members who communicate, strategize, and share best practices for the various college-based admissions & marketing work across the university. Learn ways to establish the structure and architecture for partnerships that will allow your division, and your entire institution, to benefit from the diverse expertise of your admissions teams.

  • Jon Korhonen, Boston University
  • David Cotter, Boston University
  • Kristin McAuliffe, Boston University
  • Andrew Stearns, Boston University

Moderator: Tony Fell, Collegis Education

9:45 AM

Concurrent Sessions IV

Build an Impactful Voice of the Learner Program While Pinching Pennies
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Foundational | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
We all agree that the best way to improve customer experience is to listen to and act on what our customers are saying. But there’s more to gathering voice of your learner (VoL) than sending a survey and hoping for a good response. We will share how we built a scrappy VoL program that produced great results quickly. We’ll show you how to build inexpensive but far-reaching VoLtools to: Drive empathy and make organization-wide changes; Demonstrate value and gain buy-in from key stakeholders to justify additional resources; Scale your program so VoL becomes part of your organization’s “DNA”.

  • Sandy Silver, Stanford University
  • Jennifer Gray, Stanford University

Moderator: Melaiya Overton, University of Pennsylvania

Online Learner Belonging: What It is, How to Measure It and Why It Matters for Program Success
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion
After COVID-19 upended the education landscape, online learning is now firmly part of the mainstream. With increased demand comes new competition: today’s online education consumers are increasingly savvy and sophisticated in their education and career choices. This new generation of students demands more than just online access and affordable options; they expect a deeper level of support and connection to online programs. How can online program leaders better understand the complex factors that contribute to how connected a student feels to their educational experience? Hear senior academic leaders and online learning experts’ insights on the changing expectations of today’s learners.

  • Renata Engel, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Mark Milliron, National University
  • Nelson Baker, Georgia Institute of Technology

Moderator: Ruth White, InsideTrack

The Alternative Credential Journey: New Research on Learners’ Lived Experiences & Institutional Impact
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials
Presentation frames the ecosystem of alternative credentials in the workforce and higher education with respect to key challenges institutions face around designing and implementing alternative credential programs and offerings. The presenters will share findings of a national empirical study conducted by UPCEA and StraighterLIne on learners who’ve pursued alternative credentials and how institutional leaders perceive alternative credentials. Study results focus on students’ perceptions and reasons for choosing postsecondary education, their motivations and goals for expanding workforce skills, and their lived experience in terms of their journey through gaining an alternative credential.

  • Amy Smith, StraighterLine
  • Bruce Etter, UPCEA

From Research to Enrollment: Understanding, Engaging, and Influencing Prospective Students on LinkedIn, in Search, and on Your Site
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
You can’t control when prospective students start their decision-making process, but you can be in the right place when they do and help guide their decisions every step of the way. Carnegie and LinkedIn have partnered to deliver valuable insights into the prospective student journey for online program enrollment and the ways in which prospects use LinkedIn and other forms of social media to inform their enrollment decision-making process. In this session, you’ll learn how prospective students are interacting with colleges and universities on LinkedIn, through search, and on your websites. We’ll share tactics and strategies that utilize LinkedIn’s advertising options, website best practices, and optimizing search results to help your institution drive high-quality leads with strong intent and a higher likelihood to enroll at a lower cost per enrollment.

  • Melissa Rekos, Carnegie
  • Caleb Walter, University of North Texas
  • Tim McCarthy, LinkedIn

Moderator: Jim Kelly, Carnegie

Roundtable Sessions
Location: Pavilion West
Session Format: 25 to 30-minute table-based, small-group, guided discussion about a specific and timely topic, question, or issue. During one, 60-minute concurrent session, multiple Roundtable presenters concurrently share their ideas at one round table each (up to 9 attendees can fit at each table), and promote the sharing of thoughts, solutions, and questions among their respective tables’ attendees. Roundtables are designed to provide space and time to important but particularly nuanced topics which deserve attention, and as such, attendees are free to move between tables. The Roundtable session will have a moderator who will welcome attendees, invite them to find a topic/table of their choice, and watch the time, inviting presenters to host their discussions twice during the hour, to allow attendees to engage with up to two different topics.

Moderator: Ashley Law, John Hopkins University-School of Medicine

Micro-events: The Game Changer in Prospect Engagement
Level: Foundational | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Join members of MS State Online’s admissions and enrollment team and be among the first to hear the results of our information session overhaul! We will discuss new micro-events, the first series of which were held in partnership with community colleges. These events break down the essential information for prospects into smaller, more digestible pieces designed to be accessed live or on-demand later. We invite you to a candid conversation about what worked for us, what we would do differently, and our application of this model for new audiences going forward, with ample time for questions and discussions.
  • Maddie Ludt, Mississippi State University
  • Mark Jimerson, Mississippi State University

Building Real Relationships with CRM Automation
Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
In this session, the presenters will share real-world examples of how they have designed and configured CRMs that build effective and engaging relationships with prospective students using various CRM platforms. They will review various approaches to CRM marketing campaigns, use of triggered 1:1 messages with SMS and email and automated email sequences, as well as the various data they collect to further scale their engagement efforts to deepen the enrollment and admissions team’s relationships with students and increase conversions across the stages within the enrollment process.
  • Mickey Baines, Kennedy & Company
  • Joe Mews, Lake Sumter State College

Operational Effectiveness in New Online Certificate Programs: How LSU Went to Market in Just Three Weeks
Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials
Louisiana State University partnered with Green Flower in November 2022. In January 2023, LSU Online & Continuing Education launched 4 online certificate programs for the legal cannabis industry. Three weeks after LSU’s administration approved offering the programs, marketing, enrollment, and student success activities were live. Nearly 100 students enrolled before the Spring 2023 term began. The session explores how to make the perfect “Launch Gumbo” - internal approval processes, maximizing budget and strategy, working with limited teams and launching a program on a condensed timeline. Also learn how quickly high-quality effective program starts can be accomplished when working with a strategic partner.
  • Lisa Verma, Louisiana State University
  • Patrick Box, Louisiana State University
  • Daniel Kalef, Green Flower
  • Shayna Beasley, Green Flower

Connect Digital Marketing Efforts with your CRM and Enrollment Funnel
Level: Applied | Track: Marketing
The higher education landscape is rapidly evolving, as student enrollment journeys have become a vast array of online and offline touch points. Prospective students today can enter the lead flow through various means, such as searching for a specific degree program online, engaging with an ad while scrolling through social media, or referrals from a third-party resource. The majority of these interactions end with an online request for more information, but the complex journey makes attributing enrollments back to marketing efforts a challenge. Online inquiries from prospective students doesn’t equate to registrations, yet that’s often the primary KPI used to gauge success. Learn how to leverage unique identifiers from third-party services, such as Google Analytics or Meta, to blend marketing data with your first-party data sources such as a CRM or student database. Integrating the traditionally offline student enrollment journey into your marketing efforts bridges gaps in channel attribution, unlocks insights into the quality and value of each lead, and ultimately leads to a clearer understanding of your ROI.
  • Scott Glavac, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Auris Calvino, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Anthony Nichols, Collystring
  • Jonathan Dunn, Collystring

10:45 AM Networking Break: Coffee with Exhibitors
Location: Atrium Ballroom
Sponsored by Noodle
11:15 AM

Concurrent Sessions V

AI-Driven Marketing: The Future is Now
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Diversity & Inclusion, Small Unit/Budget
From chat bots and generative AI to advanced audience targeting and ad bidding optimization, AI has permanently changed the way our prospective students interact with us. It has also redefined the role of marketer. In this panel discussion, we’ll discuss how AI has fundamentally changed the role of the marketer and where we see AI-driven marketing going next. We’ll also discuss a few ways that you can leverage AI and generative AI in your work.

  • Caleb Simmons, University of Arizona
  • Meghan Pontius, University of Arizona
  • Morgan Gonzalez, EducationDynamics

Moderator: Eric McGee, EducationDynamics

Launching the Online Completion Program for Success
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
With the large number of working adults in California with some college and no degree, online undergraduate completion programs that offer flexible scheduling provides opportunity for professional and workforce development. This presentation will provide an overview about how one of the smaller CSU campuses has leveraged student centered strategies, collaborative team solutions, communication changes, CRM automation, and learning design best practices to reinvision two online completion baccalaureate degree programs. Lessons learned and next steps ahead will be discussed, along with continuing student support efforts planned for these new programs to encourage a sense of belonging, student retention, and student success.

  • Jaime Hannans, California State University Channel Islands
  • Jerilee Petralba, California State University Channel Islands
  • Emma Battles Guetter, California State University Channel Islands

Moderator: Eric Ablett, Coursera

A Collaborative Marketing Approach to Graduate Student Success
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
During the fall of 2023, the Graduate School, and International Education (GSIE) at the University of Arkansas took on a new approach toward marketing and graduate student success. It brought two varying facets into a collaborative approach for two crucial reasons: to lean away from a siloed method to marketing within the unit and beyond and strengthen engagement with students through the exposure of resources and services through a centralized message. Our marketing unit led a strategy of centralizing the message and individualizing eco-chambers within the unit/department. At GSIE, we developed themes to convey centralized messages to internal (students & departments) and external stakeholders (community & beyond). The themes gauged our overall direction and resolved for the entire academic year in terms of metrics and strategic goals. In this presentation, we will highlight how any department can centralize marketing and create an overarching theme that leads to graduate student success in terms of engagement, professional development, value-driven, belonging, wellness, and affinity. This presentation will show how GSIE Marketing and Graduate Student Success devised and implemented a strategic plan for the academic year. How each programming initiative was carefully produced to help achieve a vital facet of the theme and how it was marketed in scope and medium.

  • Umer Rahman, University of Arkansas
  • John Post, University of Arkansas

Moderator: Scott Jeffe, RNL

Engaging Students Digitally in their Enrollment Journeys
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management
For institutions who are looking to increase their visibility and connection to students, it is imperative to engage students throughout their journey from the very beginning to enrolment. The digital era created a lot of opportunities, but with it comes a big challenge: how to catch the attention of these modern students just in a few short seconds on their screens? Engaging with the right info through the right channel at the right moment is the key, and we are here to help you figure it out!

  • Barbara Arrayales, Studyportals
  • Melissa Barnes, Columbia University

Moderator: Christine Brooks-Cappadocia, York University

Stronger Together: Integrate Online and In-Person Digital Strategies to Impact Enrollment
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Deciding to create and manage fully online programs in-house can be challenging, especially when it comes to ensuring online programs do not compete with your institution’s in-person programs within channels such as SEM or Paid Social. Learn from the University of Texas at San Antonio’s experience, as their UTSA Online and Enrollment Marketing departments collaborate with a marketing vendor to navigate and overcome different challenges when building and executing an integrated strategy to advertise both Online and In-Person programs simultaneously. A combination of data and experience will demonstrate how these teams of marketers succeeded and how they determined when it was time to pivot, in order to have a successful marketing strategy that translates into enrollment numbers. Receive authentic feedback and tips from higher education marketers who are continuously researching and working towards the most successful marketing efforts to promote their online programs.

  • Suzana Diaz Rosencrans, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Auris Calvino, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Scott Glavac, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Moderator: Sheryl Sobiesiak, Wiley University Services

12:15 PM Lunch and Awards Recipients Showcase
Location: Grand Ballroom
Join this lively, interactive conversation with the recipients of the 2023 MEMS awards.
Sponsored by EducationDynamics
1:45 PM

Concurrent Sessions VI: Workshops

Session Format: 60-minute session providing a deep dive wherein participants are actively, tangibly engaged in their learning, via collaboration and hands-on interaction. Workshop presenters generally spend less than half of the session sharing their ideas, using the remaining time engaged in activity that promotes interaction and discussion, ending with a takeaway for participants.

Leveraging the Best of Both Worlds in a Hybrid Work Environment
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success
As institutions are transitioning to hybrid work environments, many are faced with the challenge of how to optimize the best of both worlds while maintaining a high level of productivity, student enrollment/retention and employee satisfaction. Director of Success Coaching and Director of Student Recruitment at the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus will share their transition experience, lessons learned and best practices for effectively managing a hybrid or remote team. You’ll also have an opportunity to share your own experience and learn from other’s in this session on what’s worked well and how it might benefit your institution.
  • Carolyn Stegmann, University of Wisconsin Extended Campus
  • Jodi Mergener, University of Wisconsin Extended Campus

Moderator: Christine Brooks-Cappadocia, York University

Turning Lemons into Fancy Lemonade: Guiding Partners to Success in Marketing
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
Through a combination of examples, process outlines, and working documents, this session will provide participants with tools to lead discussions with campus and external partners that will bring parties to a common foundation and guide the partnership to successful marketing and program outcomes. Participants will leave with outlines, conversation guides, and worksheets that they can edit to their needs and utilize on their campuses.
  • Vanessa Cook, University of Mississippi
Moderator: Stacy Snow, Kennedy & Company

Show Me The Numbers: A Crash Course in PowerBI Dashboards
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Foundational | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion, Small Unit/Budget
Some people love to dig deep into spreadsheets; others live by the adage "A picture is worth a thousand words." In this workshop we'll look at how to turn raw data into interactive visualizations, with software your campus may already have licensed (Microsoft’s PowerBI), as well as tips and tricks to help you build a robust, reusable dataset capable of answering multiple questions. You will not need a computer in front of you for this presentation but are welcome to bring a laptop and a data set.
  • Noel Sharif, University of Arkansas

Unveiling Hidden Insights Through One-On-One Student Interviews: Leveraging the Student Voice to Elevate Program Enrollment Strategies
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Foundational | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
The inquiry phase plays a pivotal role in shaping prospective students' perception of an institution and its programs throughout the decision-making process. By leveraging one-on-one student interviews during this phase, institutions can unlock a wealth of information that can significantly impact their marketing and enrollment strategies. These insights from prospective students can be used across the student lifecycle and shared collaboratively across student experience teams. This highly interactive session will delve into the benefits, techniques, and best practices for conducting impactful student conversations to drive enrollment success, improve program offerings, and gain a competitive edge in the higher education marketplace.
  • Brenna Johnson, Purdue University
  • Carly Hollensbe, Purdue University
Moderator: Aaron Lawrence, SmartBrief

How to Use Experimentation & Personalization to Optimize Your Marketing (Google Optimize)
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
The session aims to better equip members at an institution with the necessary skills and knowledge to become better digital marketers. As the digital landscape evolves rapidly, it is essential for university staff to stay current with the latest digital marketing trends and techniques to effective prompt their programs and initiatives. The session will have a focus on channels and explore audience, measurement, and innovation through the lends of distinct sections. Through interactive discussions, participants will learn how to develop and execute digital marketing strategies that align with their university’s goals and values. By the end of session, participants will have a better understanding of how to leverage digital channels to reach and engage their target audience, increasing brand awareness, and driving conversions. Providing digital marketing training can help staff members understand how to leverage digital channels to increase brand awareness. A report by the Content Marketing Institute found that 60% of marketers who have received digital marketing training report increased visibility for their brand.
  • Nichole Caldwell, GreenFig
  • Ariel Gilbert-Knight, University of Arizona
Moderator: Britnay Haddox, California State University, Channel Islands

3:00 PM  Networking Break: Coffee and Dessert with Exhibitors
Location: Atrium Ballroom
Sponsored by EducationDynamics
3:30 PM

Concurrent Sessions VII

Maximizing Impact: Launching Multiple Online Programs with a Small Staff and Even Smaller Budget
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success
In today's rapidly changing educational landscape, colleges and universities face an increasing demand for online programs to meet the needs of their diverse learners. John Jay College of Criminal Justice knows this better than most. Considered an inner city, minority-serving commuter campus with up to 50% of the students being the first in their family to attend college, the need for equity and access of educational opportunities is critical. Even given the need, launching multiple online programs can be a daunting task, especially when resources are limited. From 2015-2018, the College’s Department of Online Education and Support launched eight online graduate programs and advanced certificates. This presentation aims to present innovative strategies and best practices used to successfully launch online programs in the areas of instructional design, faculty development, marketing, and student success even with a small staff and smaller budget. Through case studies and practical insights, this session will empower attendees with actionable steps to maximize the impact of their online offerings.

  • Judith Cahn, The City University of New York
  • Holly Davenport, The City University of New York
  • Ritu Boswell, The City University of New York

Moderator: Daniel Banyai, California State University, Channel Islands

Streamlining the Online Student Experience from Application to Graduation
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Foundational | Track: Student Success
Join us for an engaging session as we delve into the successful strategies implemented by IU Online to optimize operational effectiveness and collaboration in online undergraduate education. Discover how IU Online centralized online undergraduate admissions and established the Guided Onboarding team, dedicated to providing comprehensive post-admissions to graduation support. We will showcase IU Online's robust communication plan and virtual engagement opportunities in the post-admit space, emphasizing the vital role of effective communication between enrollment management and student services. Gain valuable insights into leveraging these initiatives to enhance the student experience and achieve optimal outcomes in the digital learning environment.

  • Kayla Scroggins, Indiana University
  • Stephanie Tinkel, Indiana University

Moderator: Whitnie Powell, Indiana University

Beyond the Rearview Mirror: Empowering Your Institution's Future with Data
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Data holds immense promise for higher education leaders seeking to drive success and propel enrollment. Harnessing the power of data is a priority for leaders, 97% of higher ed administrators believe higher education needs to better use data and analytics (Becoming a Data Driven Institution, CHE 2023). Yet, numerous schools grapple with isolated data silos that hinder the discovery of crucial insights necessary for making forward-thinking decisions. Our panel discussion will provide practical approaches and real-world examples for overcoming the challenge of siloed data to unveil valuable insights for informing marketing strategies, guiding investment decisions, and fueling enrollment growth.

  • Tracy Chapman, Collegis Education
  • Troy Hargrove, Saint Louis University
  • Erin McCloskey, Saint Francis University

From Buzz to Business: Unleashing the Competitive Power of Generative AI in Higher Education Enrollment Marketing
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Foundational | Track: Marketing
EdTech and MarTech companies are rolling out a variety of automated tools and functionalities powered by Generative AI. In this panel we discuss how Generative AI is changing student engagement and enrollment marketing, and explore what strategies marketers in Higher Education can develop to create a seamless student experiences from lead generation to donor relations. By attending this panel, participants will gain an understanding of how Generative AI will transform enrollment strategy and practice. They will be equipped with actionable insights based on tangible examples to effectively integrate Generative AI techniques into their institutions' marketing efforts, leading to improved student engagement, enhanced personalization, and increased enrollment success.

  • Frederick Wehrle, UCLA Extension
  • Matt Cyr, Primacy
  • Linda Emma, Cloud Control Media

Moderator: Kara Eldersveld, Anthology

Stop & Share Sessions
Location: Pavilion West
Session Format: Hosted during one concurrent session in a large room with multiple tables, Stop & Share presenters will each have their own table, as well as a slide template of up to six slides, uploaded to the app and for presentation (on rotation) on their own laptop or tablet, to allow brief, synchronous conversations with attendees stopping in and milling about. Each informal conversation will center around a hot topic, best practice, or technological innovation.

Moderator: Lakitia Avery, Kent State University

Statement of Purpose Reviews: The Case for Equity and Higher Yield
Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion
A holistic admissions decision process considers a variety of application materials. Students who have more cultural capitol are better equipped to prepare graduate application materials than others. Learn about how our team created a process for students to request a statement of purpose review to receive feedback before submitting their application. Our process has led to higher yield rates for students who connect with us and helps address a systemic equity issue within the application process.
  • Zach Benson, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Anna Denucci, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Making The Most Of Your Customer Data: How Audience Organization, Expansion, and Utilization Can Help Enrollment
Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management
Have you ever asked yourself if you’re using prospective student data to its fullest potential? Join The University of Texas at San Antonio as we show you how to effectively and safely use your first party data to improve your performance marketing initiatives and enrollment numbers. We'll discuss advanced strategies including: Moving prospective students through the marketing funnel by way of audience segmentation and unique creative messaging; Help you uncover ways to automate using first party data as exclusions for your current marketing campaigns so you're not wasting media spend on prospects who've already completed your top of funnel action.
  • Auris Calvino, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Scott Glavac, The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Anthony Nichols, Collystring

Creating a Bridge to the Community: Rice University Glasscock School’s Commitment to Impact
Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion, Small Unit/Budget
As an elite institution with a mission to serve and enrich its Houston community, the Glasscock School has embraced this challenge in its program development and course design for professionals, educators, and lifelong learners. Marketing is tasked with telling that story, connecting with the community, and facilitating impact through increased enrollments. Join us to learn about Glasscock’s journey and the tactical changes underway to pivot website, social, and email messaging, invest in PR, and leverage enrollment coaching to help prospective learners find an inclusive and enriching environment at Rice.
  • Saira Cooper, Rice University
  • Laura Cazayoux, MindMax

Unleashing Your Website's Marketing Potential: Strategic Approaches to Boost Your Return
Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing
Media placements predominantly drive users to your website, 44% of marketers list social media as their important channel, while over 60% of traffic stemming from organic, direct, or paid search. Catering to diverse audiences, websites often lose prospective students amidst the information overload. We'll explore effective content strategies to transform your website and maximize your return on your lead organic marketing channel, including identifying target audiences and pain points, designing accessible user experiences, using persuasive calls to action, driving traffic through organic and paid search, and leveraging AI technology for website design and optimization.
  • Karina Kogan, EducationDynamics
  • Stephanie Platteter, University of Minnesota

Visionary AI & VR: Recruitment, Community Building and Academic Shake-up
Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) have opened the door to new possibilities across the spectrum of higher education learning experiences and operations. These two dynamic and ever-advancing tools have rerouted and revolutionized the way higher education is being developed, marketed and experienced. With AI and VR, as higher education leaders, we possess the power to make and deliver more engaging, interactive and effective outcomes. You must consider how they can be integrated into your operations and planning in a meaningful way. This session will provide examples to encourage thinking for implementation in your institutional strategies.
  • Camile Turner, University of Kentucky
  • Caroline Bartmess, University of Kentucky

Data Drives Demand: How to Make Programming More Compelling
Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
Students enrol in higher education programming primarily to achieve labor market outcomes, but what are we doing to make those outcomes evident? Higher Education's struggles to clarify its ROI to students has directly contributed to the rise of alternative education industries. In this session, we'll reflect on how colleges and universities across North America are making measurable labor market outcomes a clear value proposition to prospective students, and we'll share how York University is piloting a revolutionary model to enhance this vision even more clearly to adults across Canada.
  • Amrit Ahluwalia, The EvoLLLution: A Modern Campus Illumination
  • Christine Brooks-Cappadocia, York University

Evolution in Digital Marketing: Building an Integrated Marketing Plan With Diverse Channels
Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Marketing strategies and tools are evolving at an ever-increasing pace. What channels are best to reach the target audience? How do we keep them engaged and moving down the funnel? This session will explore building an integrated marketing plan from channel review and selection, to content development and integration to automated workflows and communication.
  • Nicole L'Huillier-Fenton, University of Vermont
  • Katie Allen, University of Vermont
  • Mary Ludovico, University of Vermont

Motivations, Messaging, and Meaning: How Market Data Informs Graduate Student Outreach and Recruitment
Level: Applied | Track: Marketing
Institutional health is increasingly reliant on professional graduate programs, but graduate growth may be slowing. So how do institutions ensure continued growth? In short, respond to student demands and expectations. Adult-serving institutions have always done this and this gives them a competitive advantage. This session will share key findings from a 2023 study of 1,500 prospective and enrolled graduate students and focus on the critical elements of a successful integrated marketing approach, the most effective ways to personalize contact throughout the enrollment process, and how to use messaging to contend with sensitivities to cost.
  • Holly Tapper, RNL
4:45 PM Colleagues Connect/Meet the MESS Network
Location: Pavilion West
UPCEA’s Networks are groups of volunteer leaders actively engaged throughout the year in providing opportunities for members to connect. Join the Marketing, Enrollment, & Student Success (MESS) Network Leadership to learn more about the work they’re focusing on and connect with members of the leadership team.
5:30 PM Happy Hour [Skyline (Floor 23)]
  Sponsored by:
Education Dynamics

December 1

7:15 AM Registration Opens
Location: Plaza Foyer
7:15 AM Continental Breakfast
Location: Ballroom Foyer
7:45 AM

Breakfast Briefing | From Inclusive Practices to Expansive Belonging: Recruiting and Retaining Students of Color
Location: Grand Ballroom

  • J. Jay Mller, University of Kentucky
  • Tyler Gayheart, University of Kentucky
8:30 AM

Concurrent Sessions VIII

Building a Student-Centred Acquisition Function
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Strategic | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
A glimpse into how the Institute of Continuing Education at the University of Cambridge, the world’s oldest continuing education institution, aims to establish its first permanent and integrated student acquisition function. The session will discuss challenges, successes and a roadmap for building a full-service recruitment, conversion and admissions team to support learners from enquiry to first payment. Take a look behind the scenes at the inner workings of the Institute, and the evolution of processes, roles and responsibilities in the student pipeline.

  • James Gazzard, University of Cambridge

Moderator: Katie Bollman, Central Michigan University

Small Team or No Team? Learn to Create Team Efficiencies and CRM Automations
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
Having a small (or no) marketing team doesn’t mean you can’t be successful in marketing, recruitment, and becoming more efficient. California State University, Chico, had a small team working on the unit’s marketing until they figured out how to make it feel much bigger. When they decided to add Salesforce as their CRM, they were off and running. We will take you through each stage of the decision-making and setup process and what they are doing to improve their marketing, recruitment, and internal efficiencies.

  • Clare Van Ness, California State University Chico
  • Meni Sarris, Spur Education Group

Moderator: Dawnica Jackson, Prince George's Community College

A Replicable Model for Building Locally Responsive Upskilling Pathways
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
This session will provide participants with a replicable model for building microcredentials and stackable pathways in response to local workforce trends. Information will include a workforce research process, collaboration and industry partnership structures, marketing and enrollment process, a wrap-around student support model, big takeaways, and data from SUU’s WorkPlace Ready Pathway to help you create locally-informed programs based on your own local industry and workforce needs.

  • Aimee DiBrienza, Southern Utah University
  • Melynda Thorpe, Southern Utah University
  • Tanner Vario, Southern Utah University
  • Susie Knudsen, Southern Utah University

Moderator: Paul Ballentine, Villanova University

Looking Toward the Future: Enrollment Strategies and Evolving Expectations of Potential Inquirers
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Foundational | Track: Enrollment Management
Learn about new enrollment funnel research from UPCEA’s Research and Consulting group and nonprofit InsideTrack. We know today’s adult learners are increasingly technologically savvy and connected to personal networks. Many PCO education units have built their enrollment management systems with their own institutional needs first. These processes and systems need to be redesigned for the future adult learner … the young Millennial or Gen Zer. As PCO marketers get the attention of prospective adults, pressure to have user-designed websites and efficient and higher-yield enrollment management systems only increases. See what the research reveals and how you can benefit.

  • Mandalyn Gilles, InsideTrack
  • Bruce Etter, UPCEA

Moderator: Hannah Berman, University of Alabama

How Universities are Using TikTok to Close the Enrollment Gap
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing
Alongside Rowan Education Partners, the most experienced agency in the TikTok lead generation space, Rowan University and members of TikTok's leadership team will dive into the fascinating world of TikTok and explain how universities are using the app to drive enrollments among a new audience of students. The speakers will walk step-by-step through everything you need to launch your first enrollment marketing campaign on TikTok, from creative best practices to lead generation recommendations and case studies. With #LearnOnTikTok drawing over 561 billion views and countless other #Edutok communities thriving on the platform, now is the time to tap into a brand-new audience of adult learners on TikTok!

  • Lorraine Ricchezza, Rowan University
  • Chelsi Bernhard, Rowan Education Partners
  • Cam Ferguson, TikTok
  • Tom Nwachku, TikTok

Moderator: Marcelo Parravicini, Rowan Education Partners

9:30 AM Networking Break: Coffee with Exhibitors
Location: Atrium Ballroom
Sponsored by Modern Campus
10:00 AM

Concurrent Sessions IX

We Can Go It Alone, but We Are Stronger Together: Merging Enrollment and Marketing Services
Location: Pavilion East | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, institutions are seeking innovative ways to enhance operational effectiveness and maximize resources. This session explores the benefits and strategies of merging enrollment and marketing services teams to achieve greater efficiency and success. This session is designed for enrollment management professionals, marketing leaders, and administrators seeking practical guidance on enhancing operational effectiveness. Join us to explore the potential of merging enrollment and marketing services teams and discover strategies for achieving greater efficiency and success in your institution.

  • Pamela Wimbush, California State University, Sacramento
  • Tammy Champion, California State University, Sacramento

Moderator: Lisa Moughan, Lehigh University

Engaging Prospective Students at UW Continuum College
Location: Broadway I-II | Level: Applied | Track: Enrollment Management | Tag: Noncredit/Alternative Credentials, Small Unit/Budget
Discover how UW Continuum College elevated the benefits of our enrollment services team throughout our website, encouraging prospective and current students to interact with our coaches and specialists through various marketing methods. These methods include new program-specific email subscriptions, personalized, automated emails with interactive components, improved requests for information forms, and automated SMS messaging.

  • Kendall Omlin, University of Washington
  • Danial Powers, University of Washington

Moderator: Scott Cathcart, ThriveDX

Bigfoot Your Competition: How to Grow Your Digital Footprint to Reduce Marketing Costs
Location: Broadway III-IV | Level: Strategic | Track: Marketing | Tag: Small Unit/Budget
Pervasive enrollment declines, an influx of new online and hybrid programs to the market, and intensifying competition for students have combined to create significant headwinds for higher education marketers. Add to this the rising cost of paid digital advertising and increasingly tighter budgets, and the market forces at play have placed marketers in a precarious position. What does this mean for universities? Universities must build a substantial digital footprint and implement a data-driven content strategy that engages the students most interested in their programs. Join Santa Clara University and Everspring to learn how they reduced marketing costs by implementing a robust organic digital marketing strategy. By emphasizing SCU’s unique brand and program differentiators, deploying highly individualized campaigns, and continually optimizing with real-time dashboards and expansive reporting, SCU activated its best-fit students while keeping marketing costs low. Learn how Santa Clara University increased the effectiveness of paid advertising and managed costs by leveraging creative assets and content that capture the unique attributes of its programs and competitive set.

  • Toby McChesney, Santa Clara University
  • Michael Bell, Everspring

Moderator: Jefferson Coombs, Everspring

Launching Online Programs: A Full Team Production
Location: Pavilion West | Level: Applied | Track: Marketing
From concept, discovery, team training, and asset creation--launching a new online program is a full team production! Join the Boise State University marketing, recruitment, and enrollment team to learn about our process when transitioning a new degree from development to launch. We will share examples from recently launched programs, including launch timelines, templates, best practices, and outcomes. Launching a new program is a lift, but we've created a replicable process that smooths out the production. Hope to see you there!

  • Katelyn Taylor, Boise State University
  • Alison Bellais, Boise State University
  • Niki Callison, Boise State University

Moderator: Christina Ramirez, University of South Florida

Leveraging Our Strengths: The Journey of Building (and Maintaining) Online Student Services in Traditional, Residential Universities
Location: Parlor (Ballroom Level) | Level: Applied | Track: Student Success | Tag: Diversity & Inclusion
Serving online learners within traditional residential institutions can offer unique challenges and opportunities. Centralized online student success units become connectors and advocates. They lead change, educate campus leaders about post-traditional student needs, and help re-envision or modernize student services. In short, they help ensure that online students’ needs are meaningfully considered as institutions decide how and when to extend campus resources into virtual modalities. In this session, senior leaders from three large public research institutions share how they navigated within matrixed institutions to build robust, in-house online student services that meet the unique needs of their students and institutions.

  • Carmin Chan, University of Arizona
  • Patty Milner, University of Arkansas
  • Marleigh Perez, Oregon State University Ecampus

Moderator: Anna Richardson, Northern Illinois University

11:00 AM

Closing General Session | Expanding Growth through Data: Lessons Learned from Pop Culture to Influence Institutional Change

  • Jim Fong, UPCEA
12:00 PM Adjourn