A Corridor in Transition
TriMet’s “Yellow Line” & Interstate Avenue Redevelopment

Thursday, March 29, 2012 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Cities must be intentional in planning and designing place that bring people together as citizens. The Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area (ICURA) is Portland's largest urban renewal area. It includes a diverse collection of historic communities in north and northeast Portland, comprised of older residential neighborhoods, interconnected by commercial corridors, with large scale industrial centers. Riding TriMet’s Interstate MAX Yellow Line, this study tour discusses land use and transportation policy, planning, financing, and economic development strategies in the corridor, highlighting the roles of urban design, local history, community values, and public participation in transit-oriented development (TOD).

Led by First Stop Portland and TriMet Representative

  1. START Hilton Portland Executive Towers
  2. Board MAX Yellow Line to Expo Center
  3. Killingsworth St MAX Station
    • Killingsworth Station Development: PDC, City of Portland Housing Bureau, Overlook Neighborhood Association
  4. Board MAX Yellow Line to Expo Center
  5. Expo Center MAX Station: Historical context and future across the Columbia River
  6. Board MAX Yellow Line to City Center/PSU
  7. Kenton/N Denver Ave MAX Station: Civic engagement and economic development
  8. Board MAX Yellow Line to City Center/PSU
  9. Return to Hilton Hotel