2018 UPCEA West Region Conference




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Sessions marked with ** are part of the Emerging Leaders Program

Monday, October 15

8:30 – 11:30am    UPCEA Emerging Leader Program Pre-Conference [pre-registration required] (Atlantic)
10:00 – 11:00am Newcomer’s Welcome Session (International Ballroom 4-5)
Noon – 1:00pm  Welcome Luncheon (International Ballroom 4-5)
1:00 – 5:15pm Exhibit Hall Open (International Ballroom 3)
1:00 – 1:30pm  Break with Exhibitors (International Ballroom 3)
1:30 – 2:30pm Concurrent Session Block #1

Reengaging Former Students: A Statewide Approach **
Track: Community and Economic Engagement
Location: Atlantic
Adult learners who began but never completed a degree or credential can benefit greatly from finishing their education and improve the quality of our workforce, but often do not have the information or support to do so. Learn how Washington State is working to change this via a cohesive Adult Reengagement Framework that includes components such as an interactive web-based tool, a microgrant to cover small dollar pre-enrollment barriers, and engaging institutional and industry partners.

  • Saralyn Smith, Pacific Lutheran University
  • Gray Sterling, Washington Student Achievement Council

The Student Experience from Start to Finish

Track: Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services
Location: Pacific 2
We focus a lot of time on finding the right program or making the most money. Often times we forget the student experience can be more important than anything we offer because a happy student is a returning student. Come learn what a successful student experience looks like from marketing to registration to matriculation to alumni status.

  • Radhika Seshan, San Diego State University

Business Development Opportunities for Higher Education
Location: Pacific 1

Lifelong learning is no longer an option for career development and advancement, but a requirement to remain relevant in the ever-changing labor market. So what role can higher education play in supporting the ongoing need to address skills gaps and upskill the workforce, on a local, regional, national and international level? Effective labor market evaluation will provide you with the tools needed to not only identify labor market needs, but also allow you to target specific industries, organizations and corporations. In this session, we will explore how to identify skills gaps in the market, new corporate outreach strategies, alignment between alumni and businesses, and opportunities to connect your programs to what the job market is lacking.

  • Darcy Richardson, Arizona State University
  • Aaron Olanie, Emsi

2:45 – 3:45pm  Concurrent Session Block #2

Strategy in a "Catch All" Department **
Track: Business & Operations
Location: Pacific 1

Sometimes extended learning units can be used for the dumping ground for non-traditional and/or programs that just didn't fit anywhere. Sound familiar? Come learn how they went from being the "catch all" to a thriving, well-respected business unit. in the process, you will gain some strategy and it will probably feel like a good therapy session for all of us CE professionals.

  • Meni Sarris, Story+Structure
  • Sarah Spicci, National University
  • Roxanne Kymaani, National University
  • Joe Miera, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Current and Emerging Trends in Non-Credit Continuing Education **
Track: Program Planning and Implementation
Location: Atlantic
Over the last decades, continuing education has seen major transformations in the delivery of programs, with the growth of online education being one of the most significant changes. These technological developments together with shifting economies and population demographics have led to changed educational needs. In this 60-minute open-discussion round-table session, participants are invited to discuss current and emerging trends in non-credit continuing education and to share ideas on how the different institutions address these changes.

  • Sandra von Doetinchem, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

West Talk: Strengthening Your Online Program - Identifying Gaps and Overlaps in Curriculum

Track: Program Planning and Implementation
Location: Pacific 2
The University of Utah’s UOnline programs have grown dramatically in the past four years. With our rapid growth in building online programs we have found that one key element, which is often overlooked, is program curriculum mapping. In this WEST Talk, we will emphasize the importance of curriculum mapping in how it prepares instructors for course development, assists in State Authorization and Compliance, and eliminates gaps and overlaps in curriculum outcomes.

  • Erik Hjorten, University of Utah
  • Nathan Sanders, University of Utah

West Talk: Degree Program Recruitment Tactics
Track: Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services
Location: Pacific 2
The purpose of this proposed WEST Talk is not to promote Salesforce, but rather to demonstrate to our fellow colleagues that being equipped with a tool such as Salesforce has its advantages when recruiting prospects to fill a program. More and more we are tasked with growing existing, as well as, new degree and graduate-level certificate programs. The main focus will be on existing programs that are not performing well in terms of student enrollment.

  • Matthew Reimers, California State University, Long Beach
3:45 – 4:15pm   Exhibitor Showcase; Networking (International Ballroom 3)
4:15 – 5:15pm  Keynote Session | A New Vision for Workforce Development - Jennifer Hernandez (International Ballroom 4-5)
5:15 – 6:30pm     Poolside Terrace Reception with Exhibitors
6:30pm     Optional dinner groups / Dinner on your own


Tuesday, October 16

8:00am – 4:15pm Exhibit Hall Open (International Ballroom 3)
8:00 – 9:00am  Breakfast / Networking (International Ballroom 3)
8:30 – 9:00am UPCEA West Regional Update ** (International Ballroom 4-5)
9:00 – 10:00am  General Session | PCO 2025: The Future of Professional, Continuing, and Online Education ** (International Ballroom 4-5)
10:00 – 10:30am   Exhibitor Showcase; Networking (International Ballroom 3)
10:30 – 11:30am Concurrent Session Block #3

Building a Community: Using Canvas to Create a Sense of Belonging for Online Students
Track: Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services
Location: Pacific 2
This session will walk you through our two-year process of creating a First Term Canvas studio site that focused on resources, to its current configuration as the Ecampus Learning Community (ELC). We will focus on how we engage students through various activities and the reasons behind the structure. We will share our successes, failures, and lessons learned along with our vision for the future.

  • Bethany Ulman, Oregon State University
  • Brittni Racek, Oregon State University
  • Amy Munger, Oregon State University

Balancing Life, Work, and a Terminal Degree: Completion Strategies for Professional Development Professionals
Location: Pacific 2

  • Regina Cash, California State University, Long Beach
  • Donna San Miguel, California State University, San Marcos
  • Shelly Wang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Sandra von Doetinchem, University of Hawaii
  • Kate White, California State University, East Bay   
  • Amy Heitzman, UPCEA

Professional Development Through Exploring Power, Privilege, and Empathy
Track: Community and Economic Engagement
Location: Atlantic
The Office of Engagement at the University of Utah works to build a cohesive, continuous, and accessible pipeline of K-16 programs, engaging K-16 students and their families. However, it is not simply enough to provide services to the community but it’s also important to develop leadership, collaboration, communication and interpersonal relationships with our engagement and access providers. In this workshop, participants will learn ways to have a constructive and meaningful dialog around privilege, diversity, leading from a limited position of power, empathy, and many others. This will be an active workshop in which attendees will participate in activities around growing from conflict, privilege, and reflection on their work.

  • Nicole Batt, University of Utah
  • Rachel Everitt, University of Utah
11:30am – 1:00pm Awards Luncheon (International Ballroom 4-5)
1:15 – 2:15pm Concurrent Session Block #4

Boise State Passport to Education: Integrating 21st Century Degree Pathways with a 21st Century Partnership and Tuition Model **
Track: Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services
Location: Atlantic
Boise State University's Passport to Education is an exclusive offer that connects corporate and community partners–such as our inaugural partner, CapEd Credit Union–to affordable, accessible, high-quality online degrees from Boise State University. We have developed a subscription-based tuition model that reduces the overall cost of the degree and potential student debt while offering the same high-quality education that all students enjoy at Boise State.

  • Peter Risse, Boise State University
  • Rebecca Morgan, Boise State University
  • Jon Schneider, Boise State University

Continuing Education: The Relationship Hub of the Future University

Track: Business & Operations
Location: Pacific 1
CE Divisions sit at the hub of a triangle that brings together students, employers and the main campus. But as main campuses lag in meeting the needs of the other two groups, CE divisions have a major role to play in modernizing the campus and positioning themselves at the center of the modern and future university. This presentation will share insights from leaders across North America—and examples from a long-tenured administrator with leadership experience at numerous types of institutions—on how this can be accomplished.

  • Amrit Ahluwalia, The EvoLLLution
  • Sheila LeBlanc, University of Calgary

Supporting K-20 Educational Program Innovation: The Essential Role of University-District Partnerships

Track: Program Planning and Implementation
Location: Pacific 2
Information about programs developed through a long-standing, nationally recognized university-district partnership will be shared, including expedited pathways for secondary students (e.g., dual enrollment) and prospective/practicing teachers. These collaboratively developed and supported programs foster innovation that supports student success and teacher professional development needed to address the teacher shortage and teachers’ ability to effectively support student learning. Strategies for developing and maintaining partnerships, generating and monitoring programs, and securing and sustaining funding will be explored.

  • Babette Benken, California State University, Long Beach
  • Regina Cash, California State University, Long Beach
2:15 – 2:45pm Break with Exhibitors (International Ballroom 3)
2:45 – 3:45pm General Session | The Millennial Manager - Jim Fong (International Ballroom 4-5)
3:45 – 4:15pm Prize Drawing and Announcements (International Ballroom 4-5)
5:00 - 7:30pm

Off-site Reception at California State University, Long Beach (Meet in Hotel Lobby)
Join your fellow UPCEA West attendees for an evening of socializing at California State University, Long Beach - located just a short ride from the conference. Shuttles will be provided to and from the reception location, where attendees can enjoy hearty appetizers and each others company.

Wednesday, October 17

8:30am – 12:00pm  Exhibit Hall Open (International Ballroom 3)
8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast/Networking (International Ballroom 3)
8:30am – 9:30am Emerging Leader Program Capstone Session [breakfast available for EL registrants] (Atlantic)
9:30am – 10:30am Concurrent Session Block #5

Bronco ReConnect: How Boise State University Re-engaged and Re-enrolled Their Students
Track: Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services
Location: Pacific 2
This “stop-out” campaign was piloted in 2017 as an outreach initiative to re-engage and re-enroll former Boise State University students who discontinued between 1999 and early 2017 with 90+ credits and no degree. Our call to action for the student was “See how close you are to finishing!” Students received a concierge approach to admissions and advising, which, for many students, quickly led to both enrollment and graduation. The campus community recognized the need to partner more effectively across administrative units, colleges, and departments and created “advising advocates” to help reintroduce many of these returning students back to Boise State, find them the right path, and put them in a position to complete their bachelor’s degrees. The success of the program led to a high-priority follow-up campaign called Bronco ReConnect.

  • Jon Schneider, Boise State University
  • Rebecca Morgan, Boise State University
  • Peter Risse, Boise State University

Building Healthcare Apprenticeships
Track: Community and Economic Engagement
Location: Pacific 1
In this time of tightening budgets and lean staffing, the traditional “internship” model is no longer as effective as it has been in health education programs. As a result, more and more registered healthcare apprenticeships are being created. Learn how Kapiolani Community College took Hawaii from zero registered health apprenticeships to twelve in one year! Learn how your program can be in the driver’s seat for delivering the mandated “related technical instruction” (RTI) that is part of all apprenticeships.

  • Sally Pestana, Kapiolani Community College

Building Your Professional Profile **
Location: Atlantic
Your everyday job can be part of a bigger story. Learn about building your professional profile and actively shaping your career from those who’ve been there before. Hear about the key inflection points on their career paths, how to identify your own, and key steps you can take today to create the career opportunities you want for yourself, your teams, and your organization.

  • Amy Heitzman, UPCEA
  • Vance Peterson, AGB Search
  • Joe Miera, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Kate White, California State University, East Bay
  • Jenni Murphy, California State University, Sacramento
10:45am – 12:00pm General Session: West Accelerator: Table Talks with Senior Leaders (International Ballroom 4-5)
12:00pm   Wrap-up and Grand Prize Drawing (International Ballroom 4-5)
12:30 – 1:30pm   Optional drop-in meeting for anyone interested in joining the Regional Planning Committee [Meet in Hotel Lobby]

Sessions tagged “Emerging Leaders,” ** denotes that this content is designed to offer skill development in areas critical for leadership like strategic planning, innovation, and leading teams. These sessions are open to any conference attendee, and are especially salient for participants of the regional Emerging Leaders program.


© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu