Chair | Saralyn Smith | Pacific Lutheran University, Continuing Education |
Past Chair | Amy Ginder | University of Nevada, Reno |
Chair-Elect | Annette Webb | UCR Extension |
Treasurer | Melissa Nakamura | Kapi'olani Community College |
Regional Rep | Jenni Murphy | CSU, Sacramento |
Membership Coordinator | Dawn Lesperance | Lewis-Clark State College |
Institutional Co-host | Charles Anthony (Tony) Smith | University of California, Irvine |
Institutional Co-host | Tim Mozia | CSU, Long Beach |
Marketing Chair | Ana Behar-Russell | CSU, Long Beach |
Awards Chair | Denelle Pankratz | CSU, Fullerton |
Emerging Leaders Chair | Shelly Wang | UNLV |
Newcomer's Chair | Christina Chavez | CSU, Sacramento |
Concurrent Sessions Chair | Kate White | CSU, East Bay |
Events Chair | Regina Cash | CSU, Long Beach |
To see UPCEA West's Executive Committee, click here.