The UPCEA 2022 New England Region Conference is being held at the Renaissance Providence in Providence, RI.
Renaissance Providence5 Avenue of the Arts Click here to make a room reservation.
Rate: $199
Tax: 13.00%
Your support in staying at the UPCEA contracted hotel helps keep the conference costs down, which directly affects your registration fees. UPCEA contracts for the best possible room rates for its events and is required to guarantee a predetermined number of sleeping rooms. If the association does not meet the contracted room block, the hotel can charge an attrition fee, which will result in higher registration fees at future conferences. Therefore, we encourage you to book your room through our block at the conference hotel.
All reservations made after the blocks are filled and/or after the deadline will be available at the hotel’s prevailing rate and availability is not guaranteed.
Beware of Room Block Poachers: This is the practice of companies posing as an agent or representative of an association offering hotel reservation services. They may offer a hotel room at a lower cost, and have an official sounding name such as “Exhibition Housing Management” or "Xpo Planners". “Poachers” will immediately charge your credit card, sometimes with a “service fee,” and in many cases will not make a reservation. Be advised that this is NOT an official service, nor is it sanctioned by UPCEA. No attendee should be contacted about hotel reservations except by someone from UPCEA. If someone outside of UPCEA contacts you, we urge you to ignore them and report them immediately to UPCEA.
Nearby Aiports
Distance From Property: 52 Miles (~60 minutes drive)
Train Station