2019 UPCEA Marketing and Excellence in Enrollment Management Awards - Call for Entries

The call for award nominations will be open from June 3-August 9, 2019.

2019 UPCEA Marketing Awards

In today’s world of professional, continuing, and online education, competition for students is stiffer than ever before. Many creative and marketing departments are under increased pressure to deliver communication and marketing tools which are strategic, creative, effective, and within (or under) budget. Each year UPCEA strives to recognize the top marketing and creative work of its members through the UPCEA Marketing Awards. 

The submissions period has closed. Thank you to all who submitted.

Use this checklist for a smooth submission process:

  1. Make sure you’re an UPCEA member. The Marketing Awards are open to UPCEA members only (either institutional or corporate). Corporate members are expected to submit awards in conjunction with an institutional member. Information about UPCEA membership is available here.

    Please note, by submitting an entry that you have worked on with a partner, you are agreeing that both parties are aware of and comfortable with the submission being made and, if selected as a recipient, will share the recognition. 

  2. Submit your entries early and save! Submission fee per entry:
    “Early bird” fee (June 3-July 16): $75
    Regular fee (July 17-August 9): $100

  3. Review the specific entry guidelines for each category before sending in your submission. Entry guidelines for all categories can be found here. The rubrics that will be used by the committee of Marketing Award judges can be found here.

  4. Mailing print entries to us? Make sure your entry is postmarked no later than August 9, 2019. We can’t accept anything postmarked after August 1. Also consider including digital versions of these entries in your submission. Please mail all entries to UPCEA, ATTN: Jacqueline Romero, 1 Dupont Circle NW Suite 330, Washington, DC 20036.

  5. Put the finishing touches on your submission. Remember that you’ll need to include a JPEG image of (or related to) your submission. This is the image that we’ll use to represent your entry if you win. Also, double check the information you provide in the certificate section of the submission form to help us ensure that winning certificates are printed correctly!

    If you have any questions please contact Jacqueline Romero at jromero@upcea.edu.

    Click here to find even more reasons to submit a nomination.

2019 UPCEA Excellence in Enrollment Management Award

Enrollment management is central to the success of professional, continuing, and online units. In the last 40 years, enrollment management has evolved from a theoretical concept in undergraduate education to a highly sophisticated framework for attracting, retaining, and graduating students. The UPCEA Excellence in Enrollment Management Award recognizes an outstanding professional, continuing, and/or online (PCO) organization (unit or individual) that models best practices and combines process excellence with superior results. This award is affiliated with the UPCEA Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services Network.

The submissions period has closed. Thank you to all who submitted.


  • The nominee (person/unit) must be an institutional member of UPCEA. Corporate members are expected to submit in conjunction with an institutional member. Click here to check your institution’s membership status.
  • The nominee must provide concrete examples of operational excellence in one or more of the following categories from within the last three calendar years:
    • Evidence of data-informed enrollment planning and decision-making
    • Evidence of operational strengths and best practices
    • Evidence of outperformance (to plan, or vs. peer or national benchmarks)

 Nomination Procedure:

  • Complete the nomination form (opens June 3, 2019; deadline August 9, 2019).
  • Include among the supporting documents the following:
    • Narrative statement that warrants nomination
    • Materials (not to exceed six items) which demonstrate impact of nominated unit or individual (testimonials, enrollment data, financial ramifications, etc.

Click here to see the 2018 marketing and enrollment award recipients.

© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu