Emerging Leaders Program

Monday, October 19, 2015
8:30-11:15 AM

Emerging leaders are confronted with a variety of unanticipated challenges as they assume greater levels of leadership in their organizations.  These challenges can be intensified when an emerging leader assumes a new leadership role at a new college or university.  There are two abilities that are essential to the success of any leader, and not developing these skills can be detrimental to one’s ability to effectively lead and, as a result, to one’s career options. 

The ability to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important element of impactful and effective leadership, yet it is consistently cited as a source of discontentment when higher education professionals refer to their leaders.  In addition, as program managers are increasingly expected to run their programs on a cost-recovery model, they will need to be able to use the financial management tools necessary to make difficult, strategic decisions.  However, with the exception of those who enroll in specific academic programs (e.g., higher education administration), very few leaders in higher education receive structured training/education in either communication or financial management, especially as they relate to specific contexts like those found in higher education.  

Although perfecting communication and financial management skills is a career-long endeavor, the free Emerging Leaders Workshop is designed to develop and reinforce a solid foundation in these essential areas.  Our conference experts will ensure that workshop participants emerge with tools and strategies that they can implement immediately upon returning to their respective campuses.

Designed for mid-level practitioners who aspire to senior leadership in professional, continuing, and online education, this program will feature opportunities for networking as well as presentations on two topics of growing importance for leaders: financial management and strong communication skills.

Click here to pre-register. There is no fee for this program, but space is limited.

8:00 AM               Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM               Welcome, introductions
8:45 AM               Presentation I
10:00 AM             Break
10:15 AM             Presentation II
11:15 AM             Adjourn
11:30 AM             Newcomer’s Welcome

Presentation I: Leadership Development: Resources, Communication Styles, and Honing your own “Brand”
Designed for newcomers, new members, and emerging leaders, this interactive session will provide context for leadership in the changing landscape of professional, continuing, and online education. Through small group activity and facilitated large group dialogue, attendees will gain access to leadership resources and trends, as well as opportunities to for skill development and engagement with peers in the region.
Amy Claire Heitzman, UPCEA

Presentation II: Financial Management of Cost Recovery Programs
As resources become scarcer, the financial management of cost recovery programs becomes more important. Professional, continuing, and online education, both credit and non-credit, cannot afford the risk of unsustainability. Understanding financial implications of program management is critical. Christina Trombley will provide an overview of financial management tools that will help with strategic decision-making. Tools such as cash flow projections and budgets will be reviewed, and she will lead a discussion on how these tools can be used for better management of programs. 
Christina Trombley, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu