February 2 | 12:00 PM ET
The Rock, Peter Blume’s oil painting from 1948, made after the bombing of London, shows the tension between destruction and rebuilding. In the midst of crisis, the old structures must come down. Then, we have to build anew.
Higher Education is undergoing a similar struggle. Old ways are crumbling because they don’t work anymore. The value proposition to students is in question. Costs are spiraling out of control. Student’s needs are changing. It is becoming clear: We are going to have to dismantle many of the old structures. And we are going to have to build anew.
As leaders of professional, continuing, and online education, you will be instrumental in creating the new vision. You’ll have to lead and work with a wide array of colleagues – from innovators to reactionaries. There will be obstacles that will need your resolve and empathy.
Are you committed to a new vision? Or will you be content to revert to how we have done things in the past. In this session, you will learn skills to strengthen your position as a strategic leader - the skills of making a compelling case, declaring a new direction and building trust across units. We will also explore how humility can accelerate your capacity to mobilize others.
Click here to access Howard's pre-session reading materials.
Howard Teibel works with Chief Business Officers, Chief Academic Officers and their teams to confront their toughest challenges as they envision how to define – and redefine – the value of a 21st century education.
Through public speaking and consulting, Howard works with universities, colleges and associations as a partner known for creating progress and momentum. The impact of his work is to empower teams to make difficult decisions, commit and take action – even in the face of uncertainty and disagreement.
Howard’s company, Teibel Education, leads strategic planning initiatives and leadership programs that help leaders move the needle on the critical initiatives of their organizations.
Howard’s podcast, Navigating Change brings together thought leaders to explore innovations in education. As a contributor to the book Redesigning Higher Education: Systemic Integration and Cluster Based Learning, with President Don Birx, Howard lays out the change principles that helped transform Plymouth State University to a cluster based academic institution.
Howard is a graduate of University of Binghamton and long-time student of many modalities of personal growth including meditation, a language action theory of Dr. Fernando Flores and the transformation work of the Hoffman Institute. He is also a co-founder of Fathers Forever, an organization dedicated to creating fellowship among men who have experienced the death of a child.
February 2 | 2:00 PM ET
Track: From Pandemic To Proliferation | Level: Strategic
Join senior online learning leaders from various segments of higher education for a discussion on the impact the pandemic's remote pivot will have on post-secondary education. How far will the pandemic pendulum swing to support online learning? Can we avoid the inevitable self-correction back to the old way of doing things? Will the lines between online and in-person instruction return or have those barriers been erased for good?
February 3 | 12:00 PM ET
The pandemic forced many online leaders to lead transitions to remote teaching at their institutions but what about those leaders that were in the midst of taking on new leadership roles either at their institution or at an entirely new one? What did they learn and how did their role provide a new perspective on the culture of their institutions? Can online leaders, some of whom find themselves in the spotlight on their campuses for the first time, question conditions, culture, and assumptions? Join us as we discuss “the fundamentals” - the things leaders must rely on when precedents fall away and you have limited institutional knowledge on which to base decisions. We’ll discuss the pandemic, leadership, leveraging opportunities, and a few coping mechanisms in this live session.
February 3 | 2:00 PM ET
Track: Strategy And Vision | Level: Strategic
Public institutions have unique and diverse structural constraints that impact strategies for growth of online programs. In this session, leaders at institutions working towards scale will present things that work, and things to avoid from a strategic level, including in-sourcing versus outsourcing, brand value and differentiation, models for marketing, recruitment and retention, organizational charts to support growth, and political challenges for transitioning programs online. Strategic needs for resourcing and creating and supporting infrastructure will be addressed, as well as recommendations for how to create a culture of change in institutions not known for agility.
Many online units have a successful history of creating support services for distance students. While tutoring, writing labs, and coaching may have become commonplace, a similar development model has not been applied to mental health services, likely due to HIPPA and other privacy concerns. If the pandemic has revealed anything to higher education leaders it is that students desperately need mental health services that they can access when they are not on campus. Join us as we discuss the important topic of accessible mental health services that serve all students. We’ll hear how one institution, Western Kentucky University, created MyMentalHealth#WKU with self-service resources that were more dynamic than previous resources. We will learn how working with a multi-disciplinary group yielded a resource that provides the opportunity for self-assessment, resources, planning and reflection to make it a more meaningful experience. If your campus is considering how it delivers mental health services to students you will not want to miss this session!
Track: Strategy And Vision
Please join us for a session that will discuss the varied and busy online education agenda in Washington. The Department of Education in the past few months have released regulations regarding major issues of importance to the distance and adult education community. The results of the election also have immense implications for higher ed initiatives. We’ll walk you through what to watch and what has been going on in DC. Hear from legal and policy experts on a host of issues in governance and regulation.