Program - 2016 UPCEA West Region Conference

Room changes have occured. Please see the listing below the viewable PDF or in the conference app for the most up-to-date listings.


View a PDF of the full 2016 West Conference Program here.


Wednesday, September 28

8-9am                          Continental Breakfast

9-11am                        Emerging Leaders Pre-Conference Program (included in registration)

11am-noon                 Newcomer’s Welcome Session

Noon-1pm                  Welcome Luncheon 

1-1:30pm                    Exhibit hall open, networking

1:30-2:30pm               Concurrent Sessions I

Extended Education Fee for Service – A Defensible Model

Leadership & Strategy
Extended Education units come under scrutiny and some skepticism when it comes to charging fees for services to campus partners. Come learn how Cal State University- Dominguez Hills College of Extended and International Education came up with a defensible model for tuition, fees and administrative costs associated with operating the college. The Round Table format will also encourage discussion among attendees on how they charge for services and what percentage goes back to the university.

  • Kim McNutt, California State University Dominguez Hills

Measuring Student Engagement as a Response to a New Technology

Online Leadership & Administration
Distance learning program managers, online instructors and instructional designers know that using new technology to create and present content in innovative and engaging ways in an online class can be beneficial for learning outcomes of online students. However, when trailing new technology, it is important to measure any increase in engagement to assess the software’s usefulness to the organization. This is especially important given the cost (both financial and time) in changing platforms, or adding new technologies, for instructor and institution alike. Using a current project at Montana State University, which is trialing new technology (Softchalk) to develop interactive lessons in an online science class, we will present an example of how to set up the trial in order to measure changes in student engagement and knowledge retention. We are conducting trails with a split class to assess the effectiveness of these technologies on learning outcomes. We propose that our methods could be used elsewhere to provide quantifiable metrics for distance learning staff to make evidence based decisions regarding the wider adoption of new technologies.

  • Sarah Hendrikx, Montana State University - Bozeman
  • Robyn Gotz, Montana State University - Bozeman

Ensuring IT Software Project Failure – Why Organizations Don’t Do the Right Things BEFORE the Project Begins

Program Innovation
Enterprise-class software projects make or break careers. Once underway, the organization’s users resist the inevitable changes. Executive sponsors, product owners, project managers, implementation partners and technical leads clash. Amorphous requirements abound, scope creeps ever upward, timelines grow and budgets explode. The project moves into the dreaded rescue mode and now everyone is watching! Volumes have been written about best practices in IT project management. Project management institutes and programs flourish. Experts abound. However, what is often overlooked by these experts are the critical and foundational actions and decisions leaders and stakeholders must make before the project begins. Small investments in proactive and early planning can have a significant and positive return on investment months later. Join senior leaders from the University of Washington’s Professional and Continuing Education units, each with decades of enterprise-class IT project experience, as they describe the essential project pre-planning steps that can ensure peace and harmony once the real work begins.

  • Clark Westmoreland, University of Washington
  • Chris Powell, University of Washington

Rebuilding for the New Traditional Student

Marketing, Enrollment and Student Services
The future is built on thinking about the students we currently don’t serve. But how do we take those generated ideas and get the deeper research, actionable plans and buy-in to deliver to the new traditional student? We’ll take insights we gleaned rebuilding the University of Washington Professional Continuing Education web site to help you think strategically about a redesign. Using anecdotes and examples from a year-long journey, we’ll discuss how UWPCE approached: finding design and strategy partners; gaining deeper knowledge about the new traditional student; fostering team collaboration and interdisciplinary thinking; planning for more thoughtful, cohesive experiences; laying a foundation to support long-term development, creative execution, and governance.

  • Risa de Gorgue, University of Washington
  • Rovy Branon, University of Washington


2:30-2:45pm               Exhibitor showcase, networking

2:45-3:45pm               Concurrent Sessions II

Operate Your CE Unit Like a Business to Stay in Business

Leadership & Strategy
This is a nuts and bolts view of how CE and corporate learning leaders run their learning units for business and academic success, and sustainability. As higher education continues to struggle with costs and experiment with different delivery and business models, schools of professional, continuing and online education are on the front lines of innovation. Entrepreneurial spirit and agility make our schools home to new program offerings and pricing models. We can still benefit from implementing more finely-tuned business practices to run our operations more effectively and to develop programs that better address market need. Our heads of learning divisions in higher education and the corporate world will dialog on challenges both experts experience in program development and marketing “learning products” and share evolving best practices around meeting these challenges. What can we learn from each other about ideating, budgeting, and running the business of learning in increasingly competitive and decentralized environments? Audience members are invited to share challenges and solutions and to draw on the experience of our experts to address ongoing concerns.

  • Lee Maxey, MindMax
  • Gary Matkin, University of California, Irvine
  • Radhika Seshan, UCLA Extension

Engaging Faculty in Quality Online Education: The Role of Financial Models

Online Leadership & Administration
This session will review funding models that effectively allocate university resources to increase quality and incentivize faculty to teach online. This session will discuss funding models used by four public higher education institutions to successfully incorporate online education programs into their traditionally face-to-face curriculum. With the growth in online education, university and college leaders see such programs as crucial to their institutional missions. But gaining faculty engagement remains a challenge. Fiscal resource support for faculty and the programs that support them is surely a part of the solution to that challenge. How have sustainable funding models been used to engage faculty at public higher education institutions in ways that increase both the quantity and quality of online education?

  • Kimberly Rumford, New Mexico State University
  • Reed Scull, University of Wyoming

Balancing Work, Family, and a Terminal Degree: Completion Strategies for Professional Development Professionals (Or, UPCEA Members as Nontraditional Degree Seekers)

UPCEA members are professional development professionals, meaning that we advocate for adult/nontraditional students, build structures for their success, and cheer them on from the sidelines. But what about members who are also in the trenches, pursuing advanced degrees? How best can we balance what is usually a more-than-full-time job, a personal life, and the demands of schoolwork? How can we transition from professional, continuing, and online practitioners to students? What does it take to not only survive the journey but to succeed (and avoid the dreaded ABD…)? Whether you’re contemplating an advanced degree or have already started your own path, join this lively discussion led by UPCEA members who have recently completed their own journeys.

  • Kelly Newell, Washington State University
  • Amy Heitzman, UPCEA

3:45-4pm                    Exhibitor showcase, refreshment break, networking

4-5pm                         General Session: Jobs of the Future and the Emergence of Alternative Credentials

Jim Fong, Director, Center for Research and Marketing Strategy, UPCEA
A review of labor and other secondary data, including trend reports, employer surveys and futurist blogs, reveals major changes to job classifications and the identification of emerging professions. These changes span many industries ranging from healthcare to information technology to agriculture--among others.  Some of these evolving professions may not require a traditional degree, while others may benefit from degree holders enhancing their education through an alternative credential. And while the degree remains the standard of higher education, colleges and universities need to make informed decisions regarding the role of alternative credentials in workforce education. This presentation and dialogue will identify these jobs of the future and the intersection of credentials needed for success.

5:15-6:30pm               Opening Reception and Hawks Aloft Presentation (presentation hosted by the University of New Mexico)

6:30pm                        Dinner on Your Own / Optional Dinner Groups

Thursday, September 29

8-9am                          Networking Breakfast

9-10am                        KEYNOTE General Session: A Personal Journey of Leadership and Service

Michael Canfield, President and CEO of the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
Mr. Canfield’s address to the UPCEA conference attendees will include his personal history as it relates to his Native American background including:

  • The unique education route he has taken and how important continuing education has been in his journey.
  • Understanding and responding to the diverse needs of individuals who choose nontraditional education paths.
  • Harnessing the power of continuing education to impact and improve our communities.

10-10:30am                 Exhibitor showcase, networking

10:30-11:30am            Concurrent Sessions III

Understanding the CE Organization: Most Efficient Structure and Duty Delegation

Leadership & Strategy
Stay competitive, become efficient, and grow your programs into thriving profit centers. Determine the most efficient use of your staff time to meet your programming, revenue, and enrollment goals. It is important for each person in your organization to fully understand and achieve their individual and departmental objectives. Even though every CE department is unique, the optimal organizational structure and assignment of duties tends to be similar. In this session, we will discuss how an organizational chart is set up to and how to ensure the right person is doing the right job to bring you the most efficiency to focus on your goals.

  • Joe Miera, University of New Mexico
  • Meni Sarris, Jenzabar

Future Proofing Your Course for Students with Disabilities

Online Leadership & Administration

When building an online course there are simple things you can do to make sure the experience will be welcoming and accessible to all students. Supporting accessibility for students with disabilities is an important legal requirement and a best practice that provides greater usability for all students. Retrofitting an existing course to become accessible requires time and energy. Instead of waiting to be told that you need to make your course accessible, this session will help you prepare your course materials so that they will be ready from day one for any students who comes into your classroom.

  • Christopher Phillips, Utah State University

Meet the Post-Traditional Learners & Institutions of Tomorrow
Marketing, Enrollment & Student Services

Nearly 8.7 million adult learners are enrolled in higher education, says Eduventures, and that population is expected to hit 10 million by 2022. This shift in learner demographics is impacting the programs institutions offer, the way they offer them, and the way they manage them. Keeping pace with the students of tomorrow means institutions must advance academics and operations, adopting new technologies, data analytic processes, and even Online Program Management (OPM) strategies. From degree completers to career advancers, adult learners of tomorrow are challenged to balance work, life and school. We will explore: • Enrollment drivers • Digital literacy • Learning styles and delivery preferences • Academic and career goals As institutions try to keep pace with evolving student demographics, they are challenged to deliver meaningful experiences that support students across the student life cycle and optimize the cost of graduation. We will explore: differentiation, importance of program strength and value/cost ratio, personalization, enterprise OPM approach, flexible partnership, cost savings.

  • Cherron Hoppes, Helix Education
  • Jelena Kelleher, Golden Gate University

11:45am-1:15pm        Awards Luncheon

1:30-2:30pm               Concurrent Sessions IV

What’s in a name? Getting to “Why”

Leadership & Strategy

Continuing Education divisions change names more than any other units on campus. Such changes are a reflection of the ever-evolving role we play. Extension, Adult and Continuing Education, Division of Continuing Studies, are among the many names we call ourselves. The University of Washington’s Educational Outreach unit will take on a new name this fall: UW Continuum College. A name is, however, much more than an opportunity to rebrand. It is a chance to really explain “why” you exist and not just “what” you do and “how” you do it. Learn how the University of Washington Continuum College is using Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” to give campus partners, external constituents, and most importantly, our own staff a new reason to believe. Join the Vice Provost for UW Continuum College, Dr. Rovy Branon as he takes you through our journey to a new identity.

  • Rovy Branon, University of Washington

Best Practices in Instructor Training

Online Leadership & Administration

Over the last two years, UCLA Extension’s instructor training has undergone iterative change based on review and feedback. It has gone from dividing instructors into separate tracks based on course format, to creating a single track, and now assuming once again a more differentiated format. Throughout this process, the instructional design team has evaluated the strengths and drawbacks of each approach. In the current phase, we are once more taking into account the needs of academic departments and instructors to differentiate instruction into Refresher, Standard, Advanced, and Custom training courses. In this round-table discussion, we will share our experiences with instructor training. Our goal will be to prompt vibrant reflection on how best to support, cultivate, and retain instructors.

  • Kevin Gordon, UCLA Extension
  • Naat Jairam, UCLA Extension

Professional Development for the 21st Century: Digital Badges for Educators

Program Management and Innovation

Collaboration between the Center for Professional and Continuing Education at the University of the Pacific and PD Learning Network, LLC created an innovative partnership offering digital open badge credit for K-12 teacher professional development. Learn how these two very different entities joined together, with the successes and pitfalls along the way, and implemented a new approach within a thriving field.

  • Kyle Harkness, University of the Pacific
  • Lloyd Curtis, University of the Pacific

2:30-3pm                    Exhibitor showcase, refreshment break, networking

3-4pm                         General Session: Diversity and Inclusion in Online Education: A Panel Discussion

Designing programs for an increasingly diverse student audience provides both challenges and opportunities for educators. A panel of senior instructional designers will utilize this session to broaden an understanding of what diversity and inclusiveness means, how best to design inclusive programs, and pitfalls to avoid.

  • Melody Buckner, PhD, Director of Digital Learning and Online Education, University of Arizona
  • Anne Guptill, PhD, Director, M.S. Ed, option in Online Teaching and Learning, Cal State University East Bay
  • Christopher Phillips, Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Coordinator, Utah State University
  • Igor Akpovo, Instructional Designer, Outreach Credit Programs, University of Wyoming
  • Becky Adams, PhD, Director, Faculty Services and Online Course Development, University of New Mexico

4-4:30pm                    Prize Drawing and Announcements

5-9:30pm                    Offsite excursion and dinner (hosted by the University of New Mexico)

Friday, September 30

8:45-9:45am                West Business Breakfast Meeting

10-11:15am                 Dean’s Panel

11:15am-noon             Wrap-up and Grand Prize Drawing

Noon                           Adjourn


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One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
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