Dear Colleagues,
Last year, the UPCEA West Regional Conference was shaped by focusing on “Rising to New Heights” in Park City Utah. This year, in Tucson, we are looking at the 30,000-foot, two- to four-year ahead view with “Trailblazing in the West: Leading Innovation.” For 2013, the UPCEA West Region wants to concentrate on moving forward with thought-provoking discussions and best practices in growth, ROI and what is on the horizon. Creating profitable growth is within the reach of every organization open to the concept of innovation. Thomas Edison said, “Vision without execution is hallucination.”
Our keynote speaker, Eric Kaufmann, will be motiving us with his presentation, “Grayscale - Why Black and White Thinking is Fatal.” In his keynote presentation, Eric Kaufmann examines the essence of innovation leadership — navigating the paradoxical world of creating new results. A simple yes or no feels good, but could hold you back. So, how do you make good decisions, add value, and bring growth and new results to your organization? By learning to harness the creativity within paradox!
Give yourself the professional development you deserve! The UPCEA West Regional Conference will give you the competitive edge to move your institution forward. Register now and enjoy new ideas, networking, and refreshing, innovative concepts in continuing education. I look forward to meeting you there!
Wendy Evers
Wendy Evers
UPCEA West Regional Chair, 2013-2014
Executive Director of New Initiatives and Outreach,
San Diego State University, College of Extended Studies