UPCEA eDesign Collaborative ThinkTank Roadshow: Western Kentucky University

November 13, 2020 | 1:00 – 3:00 PM ET
From Numbers to Quality: The Impact of Change in Online Course Development Agreements

The Instructional Design and Technology unit within the Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning at Western Kentucky University is focused on continuous improvement. Innovation goes beyond the use of the newest technology and design practices, but also includes innovation in processes that guide our services. As instructional design professionals, we know that design and development is never truly complete, but instead grows along with the stakeholders, technology, and institutions involved. With the ever-changing nature of post-secondary institutions, we constantly have to adapt and change. One area in which we have seen tremendous change over time is in our online course development agreements and related processes.

In the early stages of the adoption of online learning in the early 2000’s at WKU, the proliferation of online courses and programs was the goal. For instructional designers, the focus was to get faculty trained and comfortable with the learning management system and its features. As our numbers stabilized and faculty were comfortable with the technology, the focus turned to creating quality online courses. This would change the nature of the relationship between faculty and instructional designers, the requirements for meeting the course agreements, and our work completion and reporting workflows.

We will share our story of how changes in online course development agreements have shaped our unit, and technology adoption, specifically the implementation of Blackboard Ally and Asana into our workflow and reporting. We will also share where we are heading in the future and how we intend on growing further with these changes to ensure the best possible experience for the faculty, staff, and students we serve.

Why Western Kentucky University?
Western Kentucky University is a public, four-year institution located in Bowling Green, KY. The Instructional Design & Technology unit within the Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning is focused on bringing equitable, engaging, and effective learning experiences to our community through an emphasis on quality course design, professional development, emerging instructional technologies, and high impact practices in all modalities.

Virtual Registration Rate: Free for UPCEA members; $49 for non-UPCEA members


1:00 – 1:10: Welcome & Session Overview

1:10 – 1:30: Online Learning at WKU – Beginning to Present Day

1:30 – 2:00: Accessibility Efforts, Blackboard Ally

2:00 – 2:45: Quality Assurance Programs

Detailed instructions on how to access the ThinkTank will be provided a few days prior to the event. We encourage you to read these instructions carefully and test your system prior to the ThinkTank. The ThinkTank will be hosted on a system provided by the featured institution, not UPCEA technology. 

Your registration will not be complete until you have both completed the registration form and submitted your payment (for non-UPCEA members). UPCEA reserves the right to cancel the event if a minimum number of registrants has not been reached 30 days prior to the event. Full refunds will be granted to paid participants if UPCEA cancels the event.

All registration cancellations must be made in writing and received 30 days prior to the event. No refunds or credits will be granted, rather paid registrations can be moved to another 2020 ThinkTank event. Please submit all requests to Jacqueline Romero at jromero@upcea.edu. Anyone who is registered but cannot attend may send a substitute from the same organization. Refunds will not be given for no-shows.

If you encounter any errors or need assistance with your registration, please contact us at 202-659-3130 or jromero@upcea.edu.

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