Emerging Leaders Program

The world of professional, continuing, and online education is changing at an ever increasing rate.  In light of advanced technology, more immediate communication, globalization and higher expectations of the constituencies that we serve, it is imperative that leaders within our respective organizations be empowered to meet the challenges and opportunities that will be presented.  The Emerging Leaders program is designed to assist our professionals achieve greater insight, efficiency and effectiveness in their working lives. This program will enhance each professionals’ ability to lead teams that perform a myriad of activities while supporting the common goal of professional, continuing, and online education.  We sincerely hope you will avail yourself of this opportunity to learn and grow in your service of others.

The Emerging Leader preconference is free. Registration is required, and is separate from full conference registration.

General Components

  • Round table discussions with leaders on important topics. Potential topics include:
    • Time Management – Facilitated by Dr. Amy Heitzman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Learning Officer at UPCEA
    • The Happiness Advantage – Facilitated by Carol Fleming, Assistant Dean, Outreach & Engagement, James Madison University
    • Dealing with Ambiguity – facilitated by Dr. Michael Huffman, Director, VCU Office of Continuing and Professional Education
  • Special Session on Negotiation with Mark Rubin

The participants will agree on a project on which they will collaborate throughout the year.  At next year’s conference or via webinar, they will present their results (separate registration will be required).  Additionally, we will schedule quarterly accountability meetings via technology.  Participants will also be encouraged to set up a site where they can communicate on a regular basis.

Detailed Schedule

Location: Blue Ridge AB

Wednesday, October 11

8:00-9:25 Leadership Gauntlet: Coffee and Speed dating tables with Leaders. Choose any 3 tables @ 25 mins each.
9:30 – 10:50 Negotiation and hands on workshop activity with Mark Rubin

Plant seed for potential Emerging Leaders project

Friday, October 13


Emerging Leaders Capstone

  • Recap findings through the conference
  • Finalize project plan

Emerging Leader Speaker

  • Mark RubinMark Rubin, Executive Director, Virginia Center for Consensus Building

Mark E. Rubin currently serves as the Executive Director of the Virginia Center for Consensus Building (VCCB), where he is responsible for the management of the VCCB, a neutral forum for the provision of public policy mediation services to governmental entities and private stakeholders. His focus is providing mediation services as well as training in negotiation, advocacy and mediation skills for the resolution of public policy problems.

Previously, he served as the Executive Director of Government Relations for VCU and the VCU Health System from August 2010 to July 2014. During his tenure he developed strategies, managed and coordinated government relations activities on the state, local and federal government levels in regard to higher education and health issues.

Prior to joining VCU, Mr. Rubin served as Mediator and Arbitrator at the McCammon Group, Ltd, Richmond, Virginia from April 1997 to January 2006, and from January 2010 to the present. His experience in this position focused on public policy, professional malpractice, personal injury, securities, employment and business disputes.

As Senior Advisor (January 2006 to March 2009) and Counselor (March 2009 to January 2010) to Governor of Virginia Timothy M. Kaine, Rubin provided advice on budget and other governance issues, represented the Governor before the General Assembly as part of his policy team, as well as mediated and facilitated public policy issues.

With over ten years of teaching experience, he has served as Adjunct Professor at the University of Virginia, College of William and Mary and the University of Richmond Schools of Law including service as A.L. Philpott Adjunct Chair of Law at the University of Richmond.

From 1978 to 2003 he served as Partner at Shuford, Rubin & Gibney, P.C., in Richmond and practiced law with an emphasis on legislative, administrative and commercial law representation as well as mediation and arbitration.

Mr. Rubin is a 1976 graduate of the University Of Virginia School Of Law. He received his B.A., Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1973.

Emerging Leaders Round Table Facilitators

  • Amy Heitzman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Learning Officer, UPCEA
  • Carol Fleming, Assistant Dean, Outreach & Engagement, James Madison University
  • Michael Huffman, Director, VCU Office of Continuing and Professional Education

Emerging Leaders Round Table Facilitators

  • Mitsue Shiokawa-Baklan - Director, ODU Online InternationalDeVries

Emerging Leader Session Planner

Nicole de Vries is an aspiring data scientist and residing Application Support Analyst for Georgia Institute of Technology Professional Education. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, de Vries managed academic data at a single institution, then led a state-wide initiative on data management. She holds an MBA and a BA in Information Systems Management with minors in International Business and Computer Science, and is pursuing an MS in Analytics. Ms. de Vries is a featured speaker at numerous higher education conferences. In 2016 she was named by University Professional Continuing Education Association South Region's Emerging Leaders Award, and national's Adelle F. Robertson Professional Educator Award.


© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu