Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals is now closed. Programming will be finalized shortly.

This year's UPCEA South Regional conference coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement, so what better place for us to be than Birmingham? The Civil Rights Movement is known as The Movement that Changed the World, and continuing education is a movement that is changing higher education. Join us in Birmingham to reflect, rethink, and respond to the changing context of higher education and our place in it as continuing and professional educators.

We invite proposals that address this theme and align with one of the UPCEA Networks: 

  • International Network
  • Leadership and Strategy Network
  • Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services Network
  • Online Management and Design Network
  • Outreach, Engagement and Economic Development Network
  • Program Management and Innovation Network


While we welcome groundbreaking ideas, success stories and topical advice geared specifically toward these audiences and topics, prospective presenters should keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Presentations should draw out general principles from case studies, and encourage discussions with strong interaction.
  • Innovative presentation formats (active learning, hands-on activities, etc) are strongly encouraged.
  • It is critical that the proposal makes clear how the presentation will accommodate the diversity of seminar attendees (for-credit vs. non-credit, varying audience experience levels, array of institutional sizes and budgets, etc.).
  • All concurrent sessions are 60 minutes long.
  • The proposal submission form includes a section on anticipated outcomes of each concurrent session; these should be geared towards what audience members will learn as a result of attending this session. Sessions that are accepted will be evaluated on how well they achieve those outcomes, so please craft them carefully.  
  • Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
    • Focus on nontraditional learners
    • Originality/innovation
    • Relevance
    • Intended outcomes for audience

New Presenters/Never Presented Before
If you have never presented before or are nervous about presenting, we are here to help. We will work with you to provide guidance, helpful tips and feedback to ensure your presentation is successful. All presenters will be offered an experienced mentor who is a leader in that area (aligned with that particular Network).

Acceptance of Speakers
Speakers will be notified if their proposal is chosen before August 15.

Each selected presenter agrees to:

  • Register and pay the early-bird registration fee no later than August 30.
  • Work with a mentor if needed to identify their target audience and identify ways to make their presentation successful.  Mentors will be paired with presenters upon acceptance of their proposal.
  • Provide a copy of any presentation slides to UPCEA for archival purposes.

The Call for Proposals is now closed.



Sarah MacDonald
Concurrent Sessions Chair

© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax |