UPCEA 2017 New England Region Conference

October 25 - 27, 2017
Westin Harborview
Portland, ME


Navigating Pathways to Student Success

The 2017 UPCEA New England conference, Navigating Pathways for Student Success, focuses on discovering the different pathways that can support the educational journey and success for today’s learner.

Today’s economy seeks students who can utilize both knowledge and higher-level skills in the work place. While juggling full-time jobs and families, adult non-traditional learners may find it difficult to commit financial and time constraints to an educational program.

Shortened time to degree completion, relevance to work application, cost of education, and prior learning assessments, are some elements that today’s learners use to evaluate which higher education program is the best investment for them.

The creation and adoption of new credential pathways, such as:

  • Short-term educational offerings and trainings
  • specialty and stackable certificates
  • badges
  • boot camps
  • PLA
  • micro-credentials

can provide both valuable options for adult learners seeking to re-engage in higher education, and opportunities for post-secondary institutions to increase enrollments into their programs. Providing various pathways can immediately benefit one’s economic situation, shorten the time to degree completion and perhaps offer less costly options, as well as increase learner retention and persistence in successful completion.

Navigating Pathways for Student Success. Join us October 25-27, 2017 in the historic, seacoast city of Portland ME, as we navigate options and explore the tangible connection between education and economy that could best meet the evolving needs of our learners and our institutions. See you at the Westin Portland Harborview!

Christine Dolan
New England Region Conference Chair
University of Rhode Island

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Click here to view the conference exhibitors.


Thank you to our host institution!

University of Southern Maine

Thank you to our institutional sponsors!

Harvard University
Rhode Island School of Design
University of Connecticut
UMass Amherst
UMass Lowell
University of Rhode Island
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Worcester Polytechnic Institute



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© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu