Call for Nominations Regional Awards
UPCEA New England
Deadline: August 23, 2013

The New England Region of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association seeks nominations to recognize excellence for Outstanding Service, Teaching, Leadership, Programming and Student Achievement. The winners will be honored at the UPCEA New England Conference, at the Cliff House Resort, Ogunquit, Maine, October 23-25, 2013.

Award Categories:

  1. Continuing Education Student Award
  2. Continuing Education Faculty Award
  3. Outstanding Service to Continuing Education
  4. Innovative and Creative Programming Award (Credit Program)
  5. Innovative and Creative Programming Award (Non-Credit Program)
  6. Adelle F. Robertson National Award Candidate


Nomination Checklist:

  1. Follow the criteria for each award as listed

  2. Include an Award Nomination Form or Cover Letter stating:

    • Complete contact information of the person and institution submitting the nomination
    • The name, institution and contact information of the person you are nominating and for which award

  3. In a narrative statement of not more than two pages, list the specific reasons why this individual meets the award criteria and should be considered for this honor

  4. Submit a letter of support from the Dean/Director of the Continuing Education institution supporting the nomination

  5. Support material enhances your nomination. Please include the following:
    • Current resume of the nominee
    • Letters of support from colleagues and/or students
    • Other materials that support the nomination, such as publications


Nomination must be received by August 23, 2013.

Please submit your Awards Nominations with the following form:

Regional Awards Criteria

  1. Continuing Education Student Award. The purpose of the award is to honor a student enrolled in an undergraduate program offered through a division of continuing education who has demonstrated outstanding achievement and an unusual will to learn—not only to enhance his/her own career—but also to add to the quality of life for him/herself, the family and community. Eligibility: Any member organization or professional member of UPCEA may submit nominations for this award. The student must be enrolled at an UPCEA Institution in an undergraduate degree or certificate program offered through the division of continuing education. The student should be 25 years of age or older and be within one year of graduation or completion of the program. Students will have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, if enrolled in a degree program.

  2. Continuing Education Faculty Award. The purpose of the award is to honor a continuing education faculty member for outstanding teaching (credit or noncredit).  Eligibility: The recipient of the award should teach in a continuing education program at UPCEA member institutions, or be within one year of having taught in continuing education.

  3. Outstanding Service to Continuing Education. The award recognizes a continuing education professional who has exhibited achievement in the profession and exemplary service to UPCEA. Nominees should have an established record of dedication and commitment to UPCEA New England. Eligibility: Any active member of UPCEA New England may submit nominations for this award. The nominee should be from a member institution of UPCEA.

  4. Innovative and Creative Programming Award (Credit Programs). This award honors the individual and institution demonstrating innovative and creative programming which contribute to the success of Continuing Education and/or community education programs.  Eligibility: Any member organization and professional member of UPCEA New England may submit nominations for this award.  The program must be original in a substantive way(s) and have been a successful offering within the last two years.

  5. Innovative and Creative Programming Award (Non Credit Programs). Purpose and criteria are the same as 4. This award is intended to highlight non-credit programs.

  6. Adelle F. Robertson National Award Candidate.  Adelle Robertson served UPCEA with distinction and dedication, setting an example for those who would follow. This award recognizes professionals who demonstrate similar commitment and promise.  She was NUCEA’s president in 1983-84. She was involved in continuing education from 1965 until her death in 1978, serving nationally, in Germany, Delaware and Virginia. The winner of the award is nominated by UPCEA New England for the National Award. Eligibility: This award recognizes the scholarship, leadership and contributions to the profession of a person who has entered the field in the past five to ten years. The nominee must be a UPCEA member.


See the 2012 award winners.

© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax |