2020 UPCEA Mid-Atlantic Region Conference: Virtually Together


All times listed are based in the Eastern Time Zone.

October 5, 2020

10:00 AM ET Partner-hosted Pre-Session
11:00 AM ET First-Time Attendee Orientation 
11:30 AM ET Break  
12:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | Opening General Session | Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Educational Community

This presentation will cover systematic approaches, strategies, and challenges faced by academci institutions as they embark on the quest of implementing initiatives and programs that address diversity and inclusion issues. While successful approaches are multi-factorial, and include strategic, operational and academic initiatives, this presentation will focus on how all university constituents, including staff and administrators, are integral to managing change starting with an appreciation of values.

  • Hubert Benitez, Rockhurst University
1:00 PM ET Concurrent Sessions

Building Community Across the Distance: One University’s Approach to Enhancing Resilience and Fostering a Sense of Belonging
Program Planning and Implementation
Maryland University of Integrative Health developed the Building Community Across the Distance initiative to enhance well-being and meaningful connection for students, faculty, staff, and alumni. While this program was established in response to community needs during the pandemic, it is also designed to create the foundation for ongoing engagement of online students. This session will explore our approach to planning and implementing this initiative, and share successes and lessons learned.

  • Michelle Coleman, Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Chelsey Barrett, Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Matt Mazick, Maryland University of Integrative Health

Unbundling Credit Programming into Non-Credit Offerings
Program Planning and Implementation
With the rising demand for online learning from audiences of all ages, it’s time for institutions to rethink their educational offerings to offer a wider range of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Unbundling credit programs provides learners with fast and consumable options that will help get them back into the workforce, adjust to new roles, and apply skills and knowledge in real-time, real-world settings where it matters most.

  • Beth Romanski, Maryland University of Integrative Health
1:30 PM ET Break 
2:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | Enhancing Diversity for Online Students

Online Administration
Diversity and inclusion are core principles of effective instructional design. Creating a course inclusive of all learners is both a legal and ethical responsibility for all university stakeholders. Through careful planning, online courses can be made inclusive by incorporating principles from the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework in course design and delivery. The purpose of this session is to build awareness of research-based practices that honor all students’ unique backgrounds and abilities in the online learning environment.

  • Rae Mancilla, University of Pittsburgh
  • Barbara Frey, University of Pittsburgh
3:00 PM ET Concurrent Sessions

Virtual Instruction as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Innovation
Online Administration
Can lessons learned from teaching online serve as a catalyst for pedagogical innovation in traditional campus courses? Some faulty are reluctant to teach online, certain that it is not possible to accomplish the same level of engagement and authentic learning in a virtual space. Others simply question how to adapt what is successful in the on campus classroom into a virtual environment. Yet, faculty who delve into online teaching are rewarded with expanded perspectives.

  • Terra Gargano, American University

Getting a Successful Apprenticeship Program Off the Ground: Examples from a Year-Long Experience at a Public 4-Year Institution
Program Planning and Implementation
Apprenticeship programs have been a growing focus across the nation to increase skills and education in high demand careers. With higher education institutions and postsecondary coursework increasingly being included in these programs, it’s important to know how to support these students and the unique program structures they are a part of. This presentation will discuss lessons learned and solutions used to create a student support structure for an apprenticeship program at a four-year public institution.

  • Mark Chimel, Shippensburg University
3:30 PM ET Break
4:00 PM ET Sponsor Pre-recorded Demonstrations 
4:30 PM ET Networking Event: Take 15
  Fifteen-minute small group discussions to meet other UPCEA conference attendees and expand your professional network. First round at 4:30, then repeated at 4:50. 

Coping with Covid
Adjusting to life in a pandemic is undoubtedly an ongoing challenge. In this networking session, we’ll commiserate on some of the challenges we’re facing, while also sharing the positive “silver linings” that have developed in these times. 

What’s on Your Mind and Taking your Time? 
As we go through our days, weeks, and months, we often find several things that are most prevalent at a given time. In this networking session, we’ll share the top three things occupying your time/mind these days and how you’re dealing with those items. 

Yes, We Will Vacation Again 

There WILL be leisure time where we can head to the beach, explore a city, take in the mountains or hang out at a lake cabin. Join us as we share our favorite spots to vacation in the Mid-Atlantic region. Bring ideas and bring questions. Either way, you'll be prepared when it's time for your next holiday away from home! 

Best Practices: Working From Home 
The new normal doesn't need to be filled with all chaos and uncertainty. Come discuss what has worked for you in creating the home + office environment. We want your advice, whether it's dealing with work and kids, figuring out how not to spend the day grazing in the kitchen, or how to keep your Zoom from freezing up during a conference call.

October 6, 2020

10:00 AM ET Speed Meeting: Connect One-on-One with other Attendees!
  Use our Speed Meeting session and connect in a randomized, short (5-minutes) connection with another attendee at the conference. Get your webcam ready and come make connections with other. Be ready to share a little information about yourself. Be careful, once the five minutes is up the system will move on to connect you with someone else, so make sure you connect and share contact information with those people you may want to follow up with!
10:30 AM ET Coffee with the Networks (Optional) 
11:30 AM ET Break 
12:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | General Session | The Emergence of a 60-Year Curriculum: Equitable Lifelong Learning in Times of Crisis   
  The 60-year curriculum is the modern approach to a lifetime of learning. Getting a degree, getting a job and never setting foot in a classroom again are not today’s reality, as many people alive now will live to be 100 years old. That means people will have five to seven stages in their lives, not just the three traditional stages of school, work and retirement, and learning must be constant throughout our careers. Automation and changes in the workplace mean professionals must continually retool to stay relevant and competitive. Employers in every industry and profession are looking for higher education to help their workers upskill. Through dynamic conversation and audience engagement, this session will first focus on an overview of this movement and then dive deeply into what a 60-year curriculum means for UPCEA member institutions.
  • Rovy Branon, University of Washington
  • Nancy Coleman, Harvard University
  • Mary Angela Baker, Firm Fortitude
1:00 PM ET Concurrent Sessions

Virtual Mentoring: Values, Virtues, and Vision
Online Administration
The online space offers profound opportunities for mentoring between diverse faculty and student bodies. This session will focus on the opportunities and complexities encountered in coaching and mentoring initiatives of online programs and best practices for building bridges through e-tutoring, virtual coaching, and cross-cultural mentoring. We define the three V’s of mentoring relationships: values, virtues, and vision. Participants will hear about key ways to incorporate meaningful virtual mentorship opportunities that emphasize reciprocity and personalization.

  • Terra Gargano, American University
  • Julia Zeigler, American University

Four Weeks to a New Website: Our Lean, Well-Oiled Machine at MUIH
Marketing, Enrollment, & Student Services
This session will discuss how to redesign a university’s website with a quick turnaround, utilizing institution-wide collaboration and limited marketing staff, during leadership change. It’s vital to have an internal process that creates efficient, collaborative pathways across business units and leadership. The team will discuss how active involvement of the Provost and establishing an “academic translator” aids in translating market-worthy content for prospects. This presentation will provide a framework to establish a bridge between academic and marketing voices.

  • April Arnold, Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Nigel Long, Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Chris Sax, Maryland University of Integrative Health
1:00 PM ET Exhibit Hall Open
1:30 PM ET Break
2:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | Unexpected Positive Outcomes of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Business & Operations
Across the U.S. and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic the higher ed community swiftly adapted its classes, teaching, services, and operations. Despite the many disruptions to institutions and individuals, several unintended and unexpected positive outcomes arose out of such adaptations. This presentation will outline the immediate widespread positive outcomes, now poised to become systemic long-term advancements, at two universities as well as the operational and cultural strategies needed to make them happen.

  • Paul Nardone, Misericordia University
  • Christina Sax, Maryland University of Integrative Health
3:00 PM ET Concurrent Sessions

Form Follows Function: Implementing Good Design
Program Planning and Implementation
Good design principles equally balance how something works and how something looks. Hear how the Data Insights Group (DiG) at Rutgers University chose an agile approach to problem-solving using Design Thinking -- an iterative process used to better understand the user, redefine the problem and collectively identify alternative solutions. These tools are universal and can be used to create or enhance any process. We would love you to join us as we share both our experience and success metrics.

  • Barbara Rusen, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Danielle Henriquez, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Amy Purdy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


The Challenge of Choosing or Switching your Marketing Partner
Marketing, Enrollment, & Student Services
Designed to help higher education marketing professionals figure out if they need an agency to help reach their target markets. This session will also walk schools through how to move away from the agency they are working with, or move from an internal team or person to an outsourced solution, and what to look for as they make the move.

  • Lynda Holt, Excelsior College
  • Tina Vasquez, Excelsior College
  • Nicole Foerschler Horn, Education Dynamics
3:30 PM ET Break 
4:00 PM ET Sponsor-hosted “Meet the Experts” Small Groups 
4:30 PM ET Celebrity Chef and Bartenders – a special networking and fun-raiser for Share Food Program

We present three different options to enhance your Virus home entertaining (such as it is). Choose one of three special interactive zoom sessions with our Celebrity guest presenters. Those attending from UPCEA are asked to donate to our featured nonprofit, Share Food Program, based out of Philadelphia. The largest provider of food to vulnerable citizens in the Philadelphia region, Share Food Program distributes food to 700,000 neighbors in need each month, 36% of whom are children, and 12% of whom are seniors. https://www.sharefoodprogram.org 

Cocktail Tales 
At your service! Bartender Jackie McLaughlin shares her recipes on some tasty renditions of classic cocktails (and mocktails, too!). We will explore current trends and wine club and micro-brews. She’ll also answer those questions that you’ve always been afraid to ask your local mixologist – such as is all vodka really the same quality and should I be drinking wine out of a can?  

Jackie McLaughlin directs the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Program in LPS at the University of Pennsylvania. Jackie is a Registered Dietician and Licensed Nutritionist. While pursuing her own post-baccalaureate educations goals in the 1980’s, Jackie was a popular bartender in old city Philadelphia. 

Taco Tuesday 
with a Twist The New Normal encourages us to be bold and change up the usual Tuesday night tacos with a “Tortilla Soup.” It can be made in under 20 minutes, giving you plenty of time to put on some lively music and dance as if no one is watching. Variations will be shared for vegetation, vegan and gluten free diets. Detailed recipe included. 

Dr. Sallie Reissman has taught an International Food and Culture course completely online for over 7 years at Wilmington University. She continues to expand her culinary toolkit with trips around the world in search of the varied spices unknown to the American palate.

Country Strawberry Shortcake 
Create your own award-winning dessert in the comfort of your own kitchen. Celebrity Chef Dana Herbert, owner of Desserts by Dana in Newark, Delaware, encourages cooks and foodies to be fearless in the kitchen. He demonstrates a  delicious country approach to old fashioned strawberry shortcake with leavened biscuits and macerated strawberries. 

Chef Dana Herbert is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and spokesperson. Chef racks up numerous awards and honors, including being named Top Ten Cake Designers. Chef Dana is unique in that he trained in both the culinary arts and pastry arts. He has attracted massive attention for his big win on TLC’s hit show Cake Boss: Next Great Baker. Chef was also the winner of the Rachael Ray Celebrity Cake Off. He is host of DATE NIGHT with Chef Dana.

October 7, 2020

11:00 AM ET Poster Sessions Open

Student Government in a Pandemic: Giving Students a Voice in a Virtual World
Online Administration
The pandemic causing many schools to adapt to changing student populations. The online space offers a profound opportunity for innovation in the area of student support. American University uses technology afforded through online programs to successfully support its community of “academic nomads”.

  • Julia Zeigler, American University


The Power of Partnerships and Collaborations: Working Smarter, Not Harder
Business & Operations
As the market for educational offerings becomes increasingly vast and resources more limited, higher education institutions must recognize that partnership and collaboration are the keys to innovation and success. This open-minded approach offers numerous possibilities to transform the notoriously siloed field of higher education!

  • Beth Romanski, Maryland University of Integrative Health

The Power of Lighting in a Virtual Classroom: Tips on Improving Webcam Lighting for Online Educators
Online Administration
Columbia University’s Institute on Pedagogy and Technology for Online Courses prepares social work professionals to become excellent educators with our Online Campus, which offers a fully online MSW degree. A total of 254 participants have passed the Institute in the last 3 years, and they lead about 125 online courses each year.

  • Agata Dera, Columbia University

Fostering a Spirit of Collaboration With Social Work Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Program Planning and Implementation
This poster will take users through the process of adapting to this teaching and learning environment with images from the course site.

  • Katherine Seibel, Columbia University
  • Matthea Marquart, Columbia University
  • Nicole Wong, Columbia University

Turning Social Workers into Web Conferencing Technical Experts via an Intensive Online Institute: The Institute on Technical Skills for Online Event Production
Online Administration
The Institute on Technical Skills for Online Event Production trains social workers to become excellent virtual event producers. Participants learn how to run interactive and engaging virtual events using web conferencing technology, which is applicable to work in agencies that want to maximize their social impact by creating innovative approaches for training and meeting with clients, stakeholders, and staff virtually. The Institute is designed to be highly interactive, practical, and hands-on, with many skill-building exercises both during the class sessions and assigned as homework. It is free and attracts participants from across the country, creating a diverse and encouraging community of professional social workers interested in technology. When the Institute concludes, the top participants are recruited for positions as Live Support Specialists with CSSW’s Online Campus, where they support online courses for social work students who will improve the health and social well being of individuals, families, groups, and communities. This virtual training institute opens supportive access to technical training to social workers who may not have had this access before, and inclusively empowers social workers to use unique social work skills to use technology creatively and provide technical support empathetically. Social workers have unique skills that apply to technical support, including the clinical skills to defuse angry clients experiencing tech rage, the active listening and needs assessment skills to understand a problem, and the empathy and problem-solving skills to resolve a technical issue in a way that empowers the person experiencing the issue. Overall, this poster will provide ideas for creating an innovative training program to provide social workers with the skills to manage web conferencing technology, and for supporting talent development. Managers may find this particularly useful in considering resource management strategies, both for human resources management and for information technology management.

  • Krystal Folk, Columbia University

Recruiting and Training Online Faculty via an Award-Winning, Intensive Online Pedagogy Institute
Online Administration
At Columbia University’s School of Social Work (CSSW), online faculty members are trained via an intensive 5-week, 25-hour Institute on Pedagogy and Technology for Online Courses. The Institute addresses the challenges of recruiting and screening high quality online faculty who live around the country, and providing them with the unique skills needed to teach with our fully online Master’s of Science in Social Work program.

  • Delia Ryan, Columbia University
  • Matthea Marquart, Columbia University

Creating Dynamic Learning with Zoom
Program Planning and Implementation
Recently, faculty pivoted quickly to remote learning. This required switching from teaching in physical classrooms to virtual spaces, using web-conferencing technology. Success in doing so depends on an understanding of the pedagogical underpinnings needed to engage learners in this setting. This session provides tips for creating a community of learners while engaging them using dynamic teaching strategies.

  • Joanne Serembus, Drexel University
  • Dana Kemery, Drexel University

Complex World — An Interdisciplinary Approach to Creating Global Leaders
Program Planning and Implementation
In a global world where the future is unknown to us today employers are looking for graduates that can demonstrate critical thinking and apply knowledge in innovative ways. Research supports approaching education from an interdisciplinary perspective to create leaders for tomorrow. The silos need to be broken down; knowing how one industry affects, compliments, or harms another will be increasingly important. This presentation demonstrates a process to create a data driven decision making course through an interdisciplinary approach.

  • Candice Ward, Excelsior College
  • Gretchen Schmidt, Excelsior College
12:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | General Session | The Rise of Alternative Credentials
  As the marketplace continues to shift, and the demand for alternative credentials (micro-, nano-, stackable) rises, this session will cover the recently released Hallmarks of Excellence in Credential Innovation, along with the results of a recent UPCEA survey of 176 institutions on the role that alternative credentials plays in their portfolio of programs. The survey, sponsored by Mindedge, will share actionable data of those members involved in alternative credentialing efforts, in what areas, and with what results. This lively session will examine the emergent phenomenon of credential innovation as well as showcase data that undergird credential evolutions and how UPCEA member institutions are leading this charge.
  • Jay Halfond, Boston University
  • Jim Fong, UPCEA
  • Melissa Feuer, George Washington University
  • Anne Reed, University of Buffalo
  • Christopher Steele, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1:00 PM ET Concurrent Sessions

Committee Work as an Intentional Professional Development Strategy
Business & Operations
Committees - we’re all on them. So why not try to make them more useful by broadening their scope and weaving in intentional professional development as a goal and activity? This session will provide case studies of committees that in addition to their primary role, provided professional development opportunities for its members through the actual work of the committee. This session provides an adaptable framework, strategies, and examples for doing do.

  • Paul Nardone, Misericordia University
  • Christina Sax, Maryland University of Integrative Health

A Story of Effective Collaboration: How Penn State University World Campus’s Scalable Coaching Program Supports Online Learners with the Help of a Strategic Partner
Marketing, Enrollment, & Student Services
With COVID-19 forcing most students online, it is more important than ever for institutions to effectively support students remotely. Effective remote student support is more than replacing in-person appointments with email and phone calls. It requires a balancing act of multichannel communication, on-demand resources and personalized interactions. Learn from Penn State University World Campus about how their scalable coaching program has helped address the impacts of COVID-19 across a diverse and ever changing student population.

    • Margaret Oakar, Penn State University
    • Jessica Hector, InsideTrack
    • Kate Ludgate, InsideTrack
1:30 PM ET Break 
2:00 PM ET UPCEA LIVE | Closing General Session | Achieving Work/Life Balance and Resilience

In this heady time, when new work settings and uncertainty abound, how can we help each other aim for a balance between personal and professional? This interactive discussion will illuminate insights and strategies for navigating the demands of increased workplace pressures amid COVID, as well as ways to strengthen commitments to personal happiness.

  • Mary-Angela Baker, Firm Fortitude

  • Ana-Rita Mayol, University of Pennsylvania

  • Kris Rabberman, University of Pennsylvania

  • Nichole Henry, Syracuse University

  • Andrea Willis, Syracuse University

  • Amy Heitzman, UPCEA



© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu