All times listed are based in the Eastern Time Zone.
10:00 AM ET | Partner-hosted Pre-Session |
11:00 AM ET | First-Time Attendee Orientation |
11:30 AM ET | Break |
12:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | Opening General Session | Fostering a Diverse and Inclusive Educational Community |
This presentation will cover systematic approaches, strategies, and challenges faced by academci institutions as they embark on the quest of implementing initiatives and programs that address diversity and inclusion issues. While successful approaches are multi-factorial, and include strategic, operational and academic initiatives, this presentation will focus on how all university constituents, including staff and administrators, are integral to managing change starting with an appreciation of values.
1:00 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions |
Building Community Across the Distance: One University’s Approach to Enhancing Resilience and Fostering a Sense of Belonging
1:30 PM ET | Break |
2:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | Enhancing Diversity for Online Students |
Online Administration
3:00 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions |
Virtual Instruction as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Innovation
3:30 PM ET | Break |
4:00 PM ET | Sponsor Pre-recorded Demonstrations |
4:30 PM ET | Networking Event: Take 15 |
Fifteen-minute small group discussions to meet other UPCEA conference attendees and expand your professional network. First round at 4:30, then repeated at 4:50. Coping with Covid Adjusting to life in a pandemic is undoubtedly an ongoing challenge. In this networking session, we’ll commiserate on some of the challenges we’re facing, while also sharing the positive “silver linings” that have developed in these times. What’s on Your Mind and Taking your Time? As we go through our days, weeks, and months, we often find several things that are most prevalent at a given time. In this networking session, we’ll share the top three things occupying your time/mind these days and how you’re dealing with those items. Yes, We Will Vacation Again There WILL be leisure time where we can head to the beach, explore a city, take in the mountains or hang out at a lake cabin. Join us as we share our favorite spots to vacation in the Mid-Atlantic region. Bring ideas and bring questions. Either way, you'll be prepared when it's time for your next holiday away from home! Best Practices: Working From Home The new normal doesn't need to be filled with all chaos and uncertainty. Come discuss what has worked for you in creating the home + office environment. We want your advice, whether it's dealing with work and kids, figuring out how not to spend the day grazing in the kitchen, or how to keep your Zoom from freezing up during a conference call. |
10:00 AM ET | Speed Meeting: Connect One-on-One with other Attendees! |
Use our Speed Meeting session and connect in a randomized, short (5-minutes) connection with another attendee at the conference. Get your webcam ready and come make connections with other. Be ready to share a little information about yourself. Be careful, once the five minutes is up the system will move on to connect you with someone else, so make sure you connect and share contact information with those people you may want to follow up with! | |
10:30 AM ET | Coffee with the Networks (Optional) |
11:30 AM ET | Break |
12:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | General Session | The Emergence of a 60-Year Curriculum: Equitable Lifelong Learning in Times of Crisis |
The 60-year curriculum is the modern approach to a lifetime of learning. Getting a degree, getting a job and never setting foot in a classroom again are not today’s reality, as many people alive now will live to be 100 years old. That means people will have five to seven stages in their lives, not just the three traditional stages of school, work and retirement, and learning must be constant throughout our careers. Automation and changes in the workplace mean professionals must continually retool to stay relevant and competitive. Employers in every industry and profession are looking for higher education to help their workers upskill. Through dynamic conversation and audience engagement, this session will first focus on an overview of this movement and then dive deeply into what a 60-year curriculum means for UPCEA member institutions. | |
1:00 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions |
Virtual Mentoring: Values, Virtues, and Vision
1:00 PM ET | Exhibit Hall Open |
1:30 PM ET | Break |
2:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | Unexpected Positive Outcomes of the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Business & Operations
3:00 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions |
Form Follows Function: Implementing Good Design
3:30 PM ET | Break |
4:00 PM ET | Sponsor-hosted “Meet the Experts” Small Groups |
4:30 PM ET | Celebrity Chef and Bartenders – a special networking and fun-raiser for Share Food Program |
We present three different options to enhance your Virus home entertaining (such as it is). Choose one of three special interactive zoom sessions with our Celebrity guest presenters. Those attending from UPCEA are asked to donate to our featured nonprofit, Share Food Program, based out of Philadelphia. The largest provider of food to vulnerable citizens in the Philadelphia region, Share Food Program distributes food to 700,000 neighbors in need each month, 36% of whom are children, and 12% of whom are seniors. Cocktail Tales Taco Tuesday Country Strawberry Shortcake Chef Dana Herbert is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and spokesperson. Chef racks up numerous awards and honors, including being named Top Ten Cake Designers. Chef Dana is unique in that he trained in both the culinary arts and pastry arts. He has attracted massive attention for his big win on TLC’s hit show Cake Boss: Next Great Baker. Chef was also the winner of the Rachael Ray Celebrity Cake Off. He is host of DATE NIGHT with Chef Dana. |
11:00 AM ET | Poster Sessions Open |
Student Government in a Pandemic: Giving Students a Voice in a Virtual World
12:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | General Session | The Rise of Alternative Credentials |
As the marketplace continues to shift, and the demand for alternative credentials (micro-, nano-, stackable) rises, this session will cover the recently released Hallmarks of Excellence in Credential Innovation, along with the results of a recent UPCEA survey of 176 institutions on the role that alternative credentials plays in their portfolio of programs. The survey, sponsored by Mindedge, will share actionable data of those members involved in alternative credentialing efforts, in what areas, and with what results. This lively session will examine the emergent phenomenon of credential innovation as well as showcase data that undergird credential evolutions and how UPCEA member institutions are leading this charge. | |
1:00 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions |
Committee Work as an Intentional Professional Development Strategy
1:30 PM ET | Break |
2:00 PM ET | UPCEA LIVE | Closing General Session | Achieving Work/Life Balance and Resilience |
In this heady time, when new work settings and uncertainty abound, how can we help each other aim for a balance between personal and professional? This interactive discussion will illuminate insights and strategies for navigating the demands of increased workplace pressures amid COVID, as well as ways to strengthen commitments to personal happiness.