Explore Portland

Optional Tour: Sustainability in the Willamette Wine Valley

$120 pp
Saturday, March 31, 2012
10 AM -2 PM

Portland is one of the leading cities not just in America but in the world when it comes to sustainability and "green" business practices. Portland is becoming an attractive tourist destination for "Eco-Tourists," but more importantly for us, a destination for business owners, city planners and architects who are interested in incorporating some of Portland's sustainable practices into their own companies and/or cities. On the Countryside Coach Tour you'll get outside the city to experience the stunning natural beauty of the Willamette Valley, where those "green" business practices thrive. You'll learn about the geologic events that carved and shaped this picturesque river valley, creating some of the richest and most fertile farmland in the country. It was this rich land that first lured the pioneers to cross the Rockies on the Oregon Trail more than 150 years ago and, more recently, it was the protection of which that led the state government to created the Urban Growth Boundary to keep it safe from urban sprawl. You won't just see, hear, smell and feel the Oregon countryside— you'll get to taste it! No one said it was easy being green! Come see why Portland is consistently touted as one of America's greenest cities.

Transportation, a box lunch and wine tastings at a minimum of three wineries are included in the tour price.

To sign-up for the tour please add this while registering for the Annual Conference. If you prefer to use a separate credit card for the tour please register here.


Participate in Sustainability Excursions
Thursday, March 29
1 p.m.-4 p.m.

Take advantage of our location in Portland to experience sustainability in practice. Because cities face unique challenges, UPCEA has partnered with First Stop Portland to help us understand first-hand how Portland has built tools for central city vitality, multi-modal transportation, resource land protection, and true community involvement. These excursions will enable you to experience the process of sustainability.

Learn more

Special invitation from the Audubon Society of Portland

Dear UPCEA members and affiliates,

I invite you to visit the Audubon Society of Portland—located within Forest Park, and just ten minutes from downtown Portland, is our 150-acre, Nature Campus. We offer over four miles of forested hiking trails, an interpretive center and nature/book store and a wildlife rehabilitation center where you can view and learn about birds of prey. Portland Audubon is free and open to the public every day.

Learn more at www.audubonportland.org.

Welcome to Portland!

Meryl Redisch
Executive Director
Audubon Society of Portland