Get ready for new and exciting developments at UPCEA West 2015!
Our national conference in Washington, D.C. commemorated the past 100 years in professional, continuing, and online education, offering us a chance to reflect on the changes that have occurred over the last century.
The founders of our association could only dream of the diverse technologies and educational pathways we currently enjoy. Now as we enter our second century, it is our responsibility to learn from the past and also plan for the future. That is why we are so excited about this year’s West Region Conference.
You spoke, we listened!
Thanks to the feedback of our membership, we are enhancing our conference format this year with new talent, extra networking opportunities, mini-sessions and more! Join us to reflect on current issues affecting 21st century educators. See the tentative conference schedule here!
Vicki Brannock
2015 West Region Chair
Kathy Cuff, Senior Consulting Partner with the Ken Blanchard Companies, will share ways to involve and influence your staff, faculty, and key stakeholders by: