Marketing, Enrollment, and Student Services Track

How do we, professionals in marketing and student services, own this exciting moment in continuing education history?  It’s simply not enough to keep up with the daily press about online learning and MOOCs, the latest social media tactics, and new ways to provide high-touch and interactive services to adult learners. The MESS track engages members in actively building the competencies, skills, and confidence needed to successfully attract and retain students in an ever-changing and increasingly competitive adult, continuing, professional, and online education marketplace. 

Proposals submitted in this track should address the ways in which institutions are successfully seizing the moment with their marketing, enrollment and student services strategies.  Proposals with tangible take-a-ways, specific examples and/or case studies, including step-by-step ways to create and implement new ideas, are encouraged. Leveraging Miami’s unique role as a hinge between the U.S. and Latin America, proposals are also sought which highlight programs or activities that involve Latin American themes or collaborations with Latin American partners.Proposals for this track might include (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Best practices in student/customer service
    • Mapping the ideal enrollment experience for prospective and new students
    • Steps and metrics in building a successful retention plan
    • Leveraging CRM and other technology for recruitment and retention
    • Engaging prospects and students with social media
  • Content marketing and marketing-specific strategies
    • Creating a step-by-step plan to repurpose content across a variety of platforms, e.g., web, email, social media, student services messages, etc.
    • Examples of optimizing paid online campaigns
    • Developing mobile platform strategies for recruitment and learning
    • Best practices in partnering with departments, colleges, and external entities to promote your brand
  • Assessment and metrics
    • Determining effectiveness of recruitment efforts that are harder to track, e.g., traditional tactics, not online
    • Metrics to evaluate student services and retention
    • Sample dashboards your marketing team and leadership rely on
  • Strategy and planning
    • Structuring departments and functions such as marketing, enrollment management, advising, and student services into one dynamic team approach with a shared vision for a seamless student experience.
    • Scaling for growth, including staff planning and development
    • Marketing budget allocation and rationale behind it, including decision matrix to assist in ceasing or adding more money to a tactic.
    • Leveraging needs assessment and market research. 


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