Exhibiting at the Conference

Click here to register for exhibiting!

Dear Colleague:

UPCEA has always been appreciative of the financial support of corporate sponsors, and UPCEA Region
West has been quite fortunate to receive continuous funding from an impressive list of
exhibitors and sponsors. Last year, for example, firms such as Academic Partnerships, Story +
Structure, Jaxxon Promotions, and ACEWare Systems provided financial support and contributed to the
success of our regional conference held in lovely Park City, Utah.

This October, we humbly ask for your support and presence at the UPCEA Region West conference held
from October 2-4, 2013 at the beautiful Westin La Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona. Our topic
theme this year is “Trailblazing in the West; Leading Innovation.” I recently had the good fortune
to tour and visit the Westin La Paloma in Tucson, and it is an outstanding and beautiful setting,
and has easy access from cities up and down the Western region. Because it is a “vacation
destination” and a beautiful resort, we are expecting our attendance to exceed over 100 people.
Historically, our attendees have ranged from front-line program managers to associate deans and
deans of lifelong learning/continuing/distance education units; hailing from large schools such as
UCLA to the University of Hawaii, to smaller schools such as the University of Alaska and the
University of Ateneo, Philippines. Additionally, I am thrilled to have exceptional committee
members who have already started making preparations for major marketing initiatives, a fabulous
keynote address, and a rigorous call for proposals for this conference. We are underway and would
love to have you participate!

Exhibit pricing and sponsorship opportunities that bring increased awareness and recognition of who
you are and what you do are indicated below. Perhaps you would like to sponsor the tote bag for
attendees, or be the sole sponsor of the old west tradition of a yummy barbecue? All exhibitors and
sponsors will be introduced at either a breakfast or at one of the evening social receptions we are
planning, and corporate logos will be prominently featured in our conference program and on all
marketing materials, including email messages to attendees, the conference website, and event

Regardless of your support as an exhibitor or additional level of sponsorship, your contributions
act to increase access to professional development for our members by reducing the dependence we
have on registration fees. In particular, we have found that lower registration fees contribute to
the likelihood that our member institutions will send early career professionals and decision
makers to the regional conference – and they in turn then interact with you!

We would love to talk with you about the possibilities of becoming an exhibitor and possible
sponsor of event so you can showcase your products and services. Making one contact (and there

will be many!) can cover your cost to come to Tucson and support the UPCEA Western Region! Perhaps
you will even think of unique ways to sponsor the conference that we have overlooked. We are open
to suggestions and look forward to talking with you.

Sincerely yours,

Wendy Evers

Wendy Evers, UPCEA Region West Chair and Co-Sponsor Chair
San Diego State University
Phone: 619-594-7078; Email: wevers@mail.sdsu.edu

Reed Scull, UPCEA Region West Conference Co-Sponsor Chair
University of Wyoming
Phone: 307-766-2911; Email: wscull@uwyo.edu

Click here to register for exhibiting!


Please note that Region West also solicits $500 sponsorships from membership institutions, which
generally increases the chance of those institutions sending multiple members and members of their
top decision making teams to the conference. Last year, approximately ten institutions contributed
sponsorships, and nearly all sent more than two members.

Please call Wendy Evers 619-594-7078, Reed Scull 307-766-2911 or Cheri Simpson, UPCEA Director of
Corporate Relations 919-240-4909, today to discuss what level of support would be best for you.

Don’t delay – space is limited!!


© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu