UPCEA Mid-Atlantic 2015 Program

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Wednesday October 7, 2015

8:00 am – 6:00 pm               
Check-in, Registration and Information Table Open
Location: Third Floor Atrium

8:00 am – 9:00 am               
Breakfast for Pre-Conference Attendees
Location: Symphony

9:00 am – 11:45 am               
Pre-Conference Sessions
Registration for Pre-Conferences (attendance is free with full conference registration)

Pre-Conference 1 
Enabling Organizational Learning, Change, and Resilience
Alan Barstow, University of Pennsylvania Organizational Dynamics Program

This workshop is about using frameworks and building relationships needed to be personally and professionally successful, effective and satisfied in organizations. The objective is to help people effectively lead and manage in times of complexity and change.

Bio: Alan Barstow, Director of the Organizational Dynamics Program at Penn, works with organizations engaged in redesign and cultural transformation processes. If, in this world it is necessary to specialize, then, in the words of Jose Ortega y Gasset, “I wish to specialize in the construction of the whole.”

Location: Concerto

Pre-Conference 2
Investing in Non-Credit Education: Strategic Considerations and Process of Launching a Non-Credit Division
Amy Levine
Lynn Levis
Edwin Schmierer
Georgetown University Center for Continuing and Professional Education

Join us to examine the considerations and process to set up a non-credit division. This workshop will review the strategic and tactical decisions that academic leaders must make to decide the best course of action. The workshop will focus on portfolio assessment, market research, budgeting, program development, growth models, and program operations. Lessons learned will be shared from the Georgetown team so at the end of the workshop, participants will have an assessment model to guide them.


Amy Levine is the assistant dean of the Center for Continuing and Professional Education at Georgetown University. She is responsible for launching programs online, leading assessment and evaluation efforts, and career services offerings for non-credit students. She has an MA in Higher Education from the University of Maryland.

Lynn Levis is the program director for Institute for Transformational Leadership within Georgetown's Center for Continuing and Professional Education.She oversees a portfolio of noncredit programs focused on leadership and coaching. Lynn completed Georgetown's Certificate in Leadership Coaching and has an MPS in Public Relations and Corporate Communications from Georgetown University.

Edwin Schmierer is the associate dean of the Center for Continuing and Professional Education at Georgetown University. He is responsible for the growth and academic quality of non-credit professional certificate programs at the School of Continuing Studies. Edwin has an MBA from Georgetown and MS in International Studies from NUS.

Location: Aria A

12:00 noon – 1:15 pm                       
Welcome Luncheon
Welcome Remarks - Alice Warren,  UPCEA President-Elect, Vice Provost for Continuing Education, McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education , NC State University

Service Project – Michael Barnes, Program Manager, Garces Foundation

Sponsored by EMSI

Location: Symphony

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm   
Opening Keynote
Steven J.  Fluharty
Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences
University of Pennsylvania

The digital, information age is having a transformative effect on institutions of higher education. Technological advances are rapidly expanding the reach of modern universities well beyond the confines of their localities. Forward-thinking thought leaders are bringing about new paradigms in teaching and research. And, as the world’s economies are favoring new knowledge-based industries, the public is increasingly looking towards institutions of higher education for guidance and inspiration. Dr. Steven J. Fluharty will discuss how universities in the twenty-first century are advancing agendas that encompass a broad and diverse array of learners and promote innovative scholarship, experimentation, and creativity. Dr. Fluharty will draw upon his experiences as an educator, researcher, chief scientific officer, and senior academic administrator to illustrate specific examples that touch upon the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.   

Steven J. Fluharty was appointed Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Thomas S. Gates, Jr. Professor in July 2013. A member of the Penn faculty since 1986, he holds primary appointments in the Department of Psychology in the School of Arts and Sciences and in Pharmacology in the School of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Animal Biology. He also has secondary appointments in Neuroscience and Pharmacology in the Perelman School of Medicine.

Prior to his appointment as SAS Dean, Dr. Fluharty served as Penn’s Senior Vice Provost for Research. In this capacity he shaped policy and advanced administrative initiatives for the University’s billion-dollar research enterprise, including leading strategic planning for research and administering the development of new research facilities. He also helped to oversee campus-wide research planning efforts, linkages between the University and industry, and the transfer of technologies from University laboratories to the public sector.

Dr. Fluharty served as director of the School’s undergraduate Biological Basis of Behavior program from 1994 to 2005. He has a strong personal record of funded research and also served for ten years as the director of a University-wide program project grant and institutional training grant in behavioral neuroscience from the National Institutes of Health. In addition, he was associate director of the Institute of Neurological Sciences from 1995 to 2003. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards for his investigative discoveries, including the Louis Flexner Prize in Neuroscience, the Beecham Award for Research Excellence, and designation as an Astra Merck Scholar by the American Heart Association. He has received multiple teaching awards at Penn.

Dr. Fluharty earned his three degrees from Penn as a University Scholar; his B.A. in psychology in 1979, graduating summa cum laude; his M.A. in psychobiology in 1979; and his Ph.D. in psychobiology in 1981.

Location: Symphony

2:30 pm – 3:15 pm    
Networking, Exhibitor Showcase, Refreshment Break

Location: Overture

3:15 pm – 4:15 pm    

Educating Millennials or Being Educated by the Millennial?
Jim Fong - UPCEA Center for Research & Marketing Strategy
Network: Marketing, Enrollment & Student Services

Millennials are growing in workforce numbers and will play an even greater role in not only household decisions but also in the workplace and in redefining cultural, political, and technological values. They will reshape our economy and our education systems. This interactive session has been designed to provide the higher education leader and marketer with new data, trends, insights, updates, and research on this growing and complex economic and political force of our society and how they will impact how we design and deliver education and knowledge to them.

Jim Fong has more than twenty years working as a marketer and researcher in the higher education community. Prior to joining UPCEA’s Center for Research and Marketing Strategy, Jim worked as a higher education strategic marketing consultant and researcher for two firms and prior to that was the Director of Marketing, Research and Planning for Penn State Outreach. As a consultant, Jim worked with over a hundred different colleges and universities. While at Penn State, he was responsible for managing teams of marketing planners, competitive analysts, market researchers and enrollment management staff.

Location: Concerto

Why Quality Matters: Implementing Quality Assurance for Online Learning at Rutgers University
Sharla Sava
Priscilla Hockin Brown
Rutgers State University of New Jersey
Network: Online Management & Design

This presentation is intended to demonstrate current practices in quality assurance as they apply to the instructional design of online courses in the field of higher education. This presentation will focus on the Quality Online Course Review (QOCR) initiative introduced at Rutgers University in Spring 2015. This initiative responds to the increasing popularity of online learning among Rutgers students and the concomitant need for creating a campus-wide system for continuous improvement in online course design.

Sharla Sava earned a doctorate in Communication and is currently Senior Instructional Designer at Rutgers COHLIT. She coordinates policies and procedures pertaining to instructional design including campus outreach; training; and quality assurance initiatives. She also works with program directors, faculty, and staff seeking training and support for online course design.Priscilla Hockin Brown joined Rutgers COHLIT in 2013 and provides pedagogical support for faculty interested in using instructional technologies to enhance their students' learning experiences. She is versed in edTech tools such as VoiceThread, Google Apps, online proctoring solutions, and course building. She is a certified Quality Matters Peer Reviewer.

Location: Aria A

Building & Marketing Continuing Education Programs for A Global Workforce
Soma Chakrabarti
George Irvine
University of Delaware
Network: International

This workshop will lay out the step-by-step process for building and sustaining international continuing education programs and partnerships. It will address branding and positioning the programs in a competitive global market. Participants will also work in groups on problems specific to international projects and present the solutions.


Dr. Soma Chakrabarti is the Director of Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware, where she provides strategic direction and leadership to all academic and professional programs, including non-credit certificate programs in business process management and health sciences, UD Online, UD computer based assessment and continuing studies students advising.

George Irvine is the Assistant Director at the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware, where he provides leadership to organizational learning solutions. He has established numerous University-to-Business partnerships in Delaware and beyond, and organized several international continuing education programs based on UD expertise.

Location: Aria B

4:15 – 4:45 pm           
Newcomers’ Welcome
Location: Concerto

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm    
Networking Social at conference venue
Location: Overture

6:00 pm          
Dinner on your own

Thursday October 8, 2015

7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Check-in, Registration and Information Table Open
Location: Third Floor Atrium

7:30 am – 9:00 am
Location: Symphony

8:00 am – 8:45 am     
Regional Business and Institutional Reps Meeting

Location: Symphony

9:00 am – 10:00 am   
Keynote Speaker
“Tis easy to see, hard to foresee”
Andrea A. Lex
Senior Vice President for Operations and Chief of Staff
Middle States Commission on Higher Education

When it comes to peering into the future of higher education and regional accreditation, Ben Franklin’s words are spot on.  At present we are being called upon to be more innovative, more accountable, more rigorous, more flexible, more cost-effective, more in touch with workforce needs.  To what extent is the focus on the present clouding our ability to craft a clear vision of our future and a plan to realize it?  (Perhaps recognition of this need to see clearly both near and far motivated the invention of bifocals?)  How is regional accreditation in general, and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in particular, embracing the opportunities and challenges of both today and tomorrow?  Why is this important?  To again quote Mr. Franklin, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.”

Dr. Andrea A. Lex is currently the Senior Vice President for Operations and Chief of Staff with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.  She previously served as Dean of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research, Prince George’s Community College, Largo, Maryland; Senior Director, Student and Administrative Services, University of Washington, Seattle; Associate Vice President, Planning and Budget, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh; and Director of Institutional Research, Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh.  Andrea is a past president of the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), and the 2014 recipient of the SCUP Distinguished Service Award.

Location: Symphony

10:00 am – 10:30 am 
Networking, Exhibitor Showcase, Refreshment Break

Location: Overture

Emerging Leaders Cohort Meeting

The Emerging Leaders program provides you with the opportunity to collaboratively explore the theory and practice of continuing and online education leadership with peers from across the Mid-Atlantic region. It is designed to prepare the next generation of the region’s leaders to be “Franklin Forward”. Please contact Dawn Coder, chair of the Emerging Leaders program, at dmh170@psu.edu if you are interested in joining the 2015-2016 Emerging Leaders cohort, or click here to register.

Location: Aria A

10:30 am – 11:30 am 

Lessons from Leaders - UPCEA’s Emerging Leaders Cohort 2015
Carolyn Callaghan, Shippensburg University
Jaclyn Carter, University of Delaware
Melissa Feuer, George Washington University
Joellen Shendy, University of Maryland University College
Network: Leadership & Strategy

The 2014-15 Emerging Leaders Cohort interviewed leaders in each of their fields to discover and identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that great leaders possess in their area which can be shared and utilized for both personal leadership growth and throughout UPCEA to assist others in enhancing their leadership KSA's. The stories that emerged from the interviews can also serve as anecdotal inspiration for those aspiring to higher leadership positions.


Carolyn Callaghan is Associate Dean of Professional Continuing and Distance Education at Shippensburg University where she is responsible for program planning and development, off-campus logistics and daily operations.  In UPCEA she has served on committees or provided leadership for awards, planning and peer learning circles.  In addition, she is currently serving as President for the Rotary Club of Shippensburg.

Jaclyn Carter is a key member of the Professional and Continuing Studies Student Services management team at the University of Delaware. She plans, implements, supervises and manages the overall administration of computer-based assessment services, thus supporting distance learning courses and degree programs for students in Delaware, nationally and internationally.

Melissa Feuer leads the career services and student services teams with responsibility over the services the College provides its students and graduates. She practiced law at a corporate law firm and as senior in-house counsel for a public company. Melissa has a J.D. from New York University School of Law.

Joellen Evernham Shendy has been working in higher education for 27 years. She has presented on a wide variety of topics including Job Shadowing, Detecting fraudulent documents from China, Essentials of Foreign Credential Evaluation, and Extending the transcript for competency based education.

Location: Concerto

Two Paths to Successful Virtual Faculty Connections: Founding Faculty Partnerships & Learning Communities that Impact Student Success
Stephanie Bechtel
Kendra Brown
Richard Hayes
Central Michigan University Global Campus
Network: Program Management & Innovation

How can staff encourage positive, supportive relationships between faculty peers that influence student success?  Discover two model paths for establishing and enhancing faculty peer connections across discipline, distance, and delivery mode.  Presenters will share their experiences and best practices in initiating a formal Faculty Partner Program (FPP) and virtual Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs); including the program structures, administrative processes, participant expectations, intended outcomes and assessments.


Stephanie Bechtel, MA is the Associate Director of Faculty Support and Assessment at Central Michigan University's Global Campus with a 17-year career in various areas of international education, faculty management and academic administration.

Kendra Brown, MA currently serves as the Coordinator of Faculty Support thorough Central Michigan University’s Global Campus. During the first 19 years of her career, Kendra focused on successfully serving students; in the past 3 years she’s taken these skills to better serve faculty teaching in non-traditional formats.

Richard L. Hayes, PhD, CAE, PMP, RA, NCARB has taught for Central Michigan University since 2003. He most recently was Director of Knowledge Resources for the American Institute of Architects in Washington DC. He has over 35 years’ experience in technology, personnel administration, architecture and the construction industry.

Location: Aria A

Coincident Online Programs: Understanding the Challenges of an Emerging Digital Learning Strategy
Michael Frasciello
Syracuse University
Network: Online Management & Design

This session offers a deep dive into the challenges of coincident online course delivery. Coincident online course delivery (simultaneously teaching on-campus and online students using webcasting or web conferencing technologies) is becoming increasing popular for online programs. Particular focus is placed on understanding how such courses can help online students feel connected and supported, which may subsequently improve student success and retention. Additionally, the session will explore the actual/realized costs associated with coincident online delivery.

Mike has been designing, developing, and teaching online courses for higher education and private industry since 1995. He currently works with the College and University to research, design, implement, and assess online teaching and learning initiatives. He is ABD at Syracuse University and holds a master’s degree from Westminster College.

Location: Aria B

11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Luncheon and Awards Ceremony
Remarks - Bob Hansen, UPCEA

Location: Symphony

1:00 – 2:00 pm           

Emerging Employment Trends and Training Needs in the Era of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA)
Brian Mitchell, EMSI
Mary Sweeney, St. Mary’s Medical Center
Scott Post, Independence Blue Cross
Moderator: Alice Warren, North Carolina State University; President-Elect, UPCEA
Network: Outreach, Engagement & Economic Development

This panel will provide insight to the trends in the employment, education, and training needs of individuals in the healthcare field, as a result of changes driven by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The speakers will provide projections for the healthcare field, and the perspectives of employers in the healthcare field.


Brian Mitchell manages the Eastern Division of EMSI's business development focusing on Higher Education. His experience included 8 years with Careerbuilder (EMSI's parent company) as well as with time with the US Army prior.

Mary Sweeney was named Vice President, Colleague Resources and Development at St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, Pennsylvania in April of 2009.  She has held various positions with increasing responsibility with in Human Resources since she joined St. Mary in 1993.  She is responsible for all Human Resources and Organizational Development programs at the Medical Center. Mary holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources development from Temple University and is certified as Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) by the Society of Human Resources Management.  She is currently pursuing a Masters of Science degree from Villanova University.

Scott Post is vice president of public policy and association affairs at Independence Blue Cross. In this capacity, Scott supports the senior team on federal and state policy, regulatory and legislative issues including the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. He coordinates with Independence’s Government Affairs and Strategy Office, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA), and America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) on the impact of health policy and related implications for the industry, markets, and consumers.

Alice Warren is President-Elect for UPCEA, Chair of the National Membership Committee, and member of the Board of Directors. She has been a long-time volunteer leader for UPCEA, serving at the regional and national levels. She has been a regional award recipient as well receiving the 2015 Walton S. Bittner Service Citation for Outstanding Service to UPCEA. She is the Vice Provost for Continuing Education at NC State University, having served continuing education and professional development needs for over 36 years. She leads an administrative division of the university with 8 units, approximately 225 employees, and a budget of $50M.

Location: Concerto

Digital Badging and the Future of Learning, Certification and Advising
Kyle Peck
Bevin Hernandez
Catherine Augustine
Penn State University
Network: Program Management & Innovation

Despite growing support for "digital badges," a new form of online educational "micro-credential," many issues remain, including how digital badges may cause the content, assessments, and delivery options in courses to change, how they will be represented on transcripts and how they may cause professional roles and financial models to evolve. In this session you'll learn about progress being made by leading universities and how they are resolving the issues.

Dr. Kyle L. Peck, Professor of Education at Penn State University and Co-Director of the Center for Online Innovation in Learning (COIL), studies and applies innovations in education. Current interests competency-based education, digital badges, online learning, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and he is a left-handed Taurus.

Bevin leads the development of Penn State's digital badging engine, which is destined to be the best in the world. Bevin is a global thinker and free spirit who is exceptionally talented at connecting ideas and synthesizing information. And she's fun, too!

Dr. Catherine Augustine is an Academic Advisor in Penn State's College of Education. Her professional interests include mindfulness in education, digital badges, and arts in education.

Location: Aria A

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm    
Networking, Exhibitor Showcase, Refreshment Break

New Program Showcase

  1. The Need for Hybrid Classes - DJ McErlean-Hopson, Pace University
    Network: Program Management & Innovation

    Pace University is excited to be offering two new hybrid classes: Project Management and Facilities Management Professional (FMP) Credential. Each class is focused on furthering our students’ careers and setting them on the path to success.  The appeal is students will still be able to have contact hours with their instructors and peers, but be able to work asynchronously or synchronously online to complete assignments.  Flexible learning is the future.

    DJ McErlean-Hopson has been involved with the course development and program management in higher education for the past 4 years. She is excited to share what she knows and learn from the other extraordinary presenters at UPCEA!

  2. Partnering for Transformative Change in Higher Education: The ACE Credit for Prior Learning Stimulus Grant - Angel Harriott, American Council on Education
    Network: Marketing, Enrollment Management & Student Services

    Attend this New Program Session to learn about ACE’s Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Stimulus Grant.  The presenter will discuss how 12 diverse institutions are using the grant to create innovative academic and career pathways for students to attain degrees in less time and at lower tuition costs. We will also explore how offering CPL options and capturing CPL data may increase enrollment at institutions, support graduation and retention rates and address workforce initiatives.

    Angel Harriott is Senior Program Manager for American Council on Education’s College and University Partnerships. She was Director of Career Services for 10 years, managing professional development and employment initiatives, developing partnerships to promote internships and workforce opportunities. Angel is a Certified Workforce Development Professional and Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor.

  3. Socially Responsible & Sustainable Business Online Short Courses - George Irvine, University of Delaware
    Network: Outreach, Engagement & Economic Development

    The University of Delaware is using online short courses to help brand name companies train their employees in socially responsible and sustainable business practices.  The short courses help supply chain managers and purchasing managers understand the risks of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains and of workers' human rights.  UD uses a cloud-based extended enterprise LMS to host the short courses.     

    George Irvine is the Assistant Director at the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies at the University of Delaware, where he provides leadership to organizational learning solutions. He has established numerous University-to-Business partnerships in Delaware and beyond, and organized several international continuing education programs based on UD expertise.

  4. An Innovative M.A. Teaching Program for STEM Professionals - Carolyn Callaghan & Christina Sax, Shippensburg University
    Network:  Program Management & Innovation

    This new M.A. Teaching in STEM Education program is designed for professionals who already hold a degree in a STEM discipline and who wish to teach science in either a middle or high school.  This accelerated and blended cohort program provides access to a teaching career for STEM professionals who have been downsized or who are seeking a new career path.  The program efficiently uses coursework and resources to provide tracks for specialization in science, mathematics, and business technology.  This session provides an overview of the development, implementation, structure, and student audience of the program

    Carolyn Callaghan is Associate Dean of Professional Continuing and Distance Education at Shippensburg University where she is responsible for program planning and development, off-campus logistics and daily operations.  In UPCEA she has served on committees or provided leadership for awards, planning and peer learning circles.  In addition, she is currently serving as President for the Rotary Club of Shippensburg.

    Chris Sax is the Associate Provost and Dean for Academic Outreach and Innovation at Shippensburg University.  In addition to the continuing education unit, her portfolio includes leadership for the university-wide strategic academic master plan, grants and sponsored programs office, faculty development programs, and a variety of distance education and academic innovation initiatives.

  5. From A.B.D. to Ed.D: An Option for Completing the Doctoral Degree - Raymond Bandlow & Kimberly Salgado, Gwynedd Mercy University
    Network: Program Management & Innovation Network

    Gwynedd Mercy University offers an option to its Ed.D. in Educational Leadership program for ABD in education from other universities. The ABD who meets our admissions criteria may earn the Ed.D. by: 1. Completing 27 credit hours of coursework with emphasis on the dissertation; 2. Conducting research and finishing a dissertation with guidance of a supportive dissertation advisor and structured dissertation advisement process. The Ed. D. in Educational Leadership may be completed in approximately eighteen months.

    Bandlow holds a Ph.D. from The University of Michigan where he trained at the Institute for Social Research. He also completed postdoctoral studies at Teachers College and at Harvard's Center for Law and Education. Bandlow is currently Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership, Gwynedd Mercy University.

Location: Atrium

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm    

Advisory Board & Alumni Network: Winning Strategies
Timothy Sullivan & Meghan Radosh
Widener University
Cathy Littlefield
Pierce College
Network: Leadership & Strategy

Continuing Higher Education leaders often seek to develop and cultivate advisory boards, alumni networks and partnership steering groups. Advisory groups and similar entities can be valuable resources in a time of innovation, and rapid change. However, these initiatives are often met with questions of resource support and purpose and produce mixed results.   This session will provide a strategic, mission-based approach to creating advisory bodies that can yield substantial, positive benefits and resources. 


Prior to his faculty appointment at Widener, Dr. Sullivan served as a Continuing Higher Education Dean in three institutions. He has extensive experience developing and leading advisory boards, partnership teams and alumni networks. He is a past UPCEA national board member and past Chair of Region 1.

Dr. Radosh is the associate Director of Alumni Engagement at Widener University. She is an active member of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) where she currently serves District II as Treasurer. She has extensive experience developing and cultivating Alumni networks and advisory boards.

Dr. Littlefield is an Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership and Management in Graduate Education at Peirce College in Philadelphia. She has been actively engaged as an adjunct faculty member inn Widener’s School of Education, Hospitality and Continuing Studies. She has extensive experience working with and coordinating advisory groups.

Location: Concerto

Focusing on the Fundamentals: Maximizing Your Existing Marketing Investments, Tools and Resources to Drive Quick Wins in Enrollment Growth

Christina Fleming

Stephen Nodine
George Mason University
Network: Marketing, Enrollment & Student Services

Joint-presentation by subject matter experts from Blackboard and institutional leader, Stephen Nodine of George Mason University. Session will focus on real practices and actual results from a University. Q&A is encouraged.

Christina is responsible for leading the Blackboard Marketing and Enrollment Services team. In this capacity, Christina delivers strategic marketing plans based on data-driven insights and audience segmentation research. She is also responsible for managing brand creative development and execution, enrollment strategy, and student recruitment efforts.

Stephen Nodine, Ph.D., is Director of Distance Education at George Mason University. Steve provides leadership to the DE Office in managing online program initiatives and operational functions, and provides leadership through the Provost’s Office regarding strategic planning and growth of Mason’s online learning environment.

Location: Aria A

Lessons Learned From an Adaptive Learning Pilot in a Highly Attended General Education Course

Daniel Mintz
University of Maryland University College
Network: Online Management & Design

The University of Maryland University College and Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative have created an introductory technology course that combines web-based instructions with embedded assessments that provide that students with immediate feedback on activities linked to the course's learning objectives. The role of the OLI portion within the UMUC course, some of the challenges encountered in the integration of OLI into the course, as well as lessons learned will be addressed in this presentation.

Dan Mintz is Information Systems Management Program Chair and a faculty member at UMUC. He served as the US Department of Transportation’s CIO and as a CTO and COO commercially. Dan is a Federal 100 winner and served on panels on mobile technology, big data, cloud computing and cybersecurity.

Location: Aria B

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm    

Survival Skills for the Baby Dinosaur: Managing Instructional Technology in the Small University
Eric Hagan
DeSales University
Network: Small & Specialized Institutions

Contribute to the sustainability of your small institution through effective management of instructional technology and faculty support activities in an environment dominated by larger competitors.

Dr. Eric Hagan is director of Distance Education and Instructional Technology at DeSales University, a small Catholic university in the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hagan has 15 years' experience supporting and teaching in online and adult-oriented programs.

Location: Concerto

The Rebirth of Continuing & Professional Education @ Pace University

Christine Shakespeare
Pace University
Network: Leadership & Strategy

This is a participatory exploration of the organizational development of a CE unit utilizing analysis, institutional culture overview, history of CE at the institution, barriers, opportunities, constraints, and resources to determine the optimal structure of the unit.

Christine is vice president of strategic initiatives at Pace University where she leads the CE unit to include the online undergraduate degree program; coordinates summer enrollment initiatives; manages the continuing education and professional development units; and the Pace Encore Transition Program. Previously, she was interim associate provost for student success.

Location: Aria A

The Wonders & Challenges of the One-Person Marketing Office
Jim Morris
Jennifer Valera
Danielle Henriquez
Rutgers University of New Jersey

Many CE units must perform a seemingly impossible task. They must deliver intelligent, high-return marketing campaigns while employing just a single marketing position or no dedicated staff at all.   Building upon the insights of three single-person marketing units, this session will draw heavily upon the experience of the audience to collect and share proven solutions to the eternal marketing challenge of promotion on a shoestring budget.

Jim Morris is Associate Vice President of Continuing Studies at Rutgers University, where he coordinates non-credit continuing education programs. A former newspaper reporter with 25 years of experience in continuing education, he is a long-time practitioner of Guerrilla Marketing techniques informed by unvarnished risk-return analysis.

Jennifer Valera is the Student Services and Marketing Coordinator at the Office of Summer & Winter Sessions at Rutgers University, where she designs, implements and monitors a diverse range of marketing initiatives as the only full-time staff member assigned to marketing in her unit.

Danielle Henriquez is the Manager of Academic Programs for Off-Campus Programs within the Division of Continuing Studies at Rutgers University. Although marketing is one of her many duties, Danielle consistently indulges her love of data analysis to improve the design, implementation and monitoring Off-Campus marketing campaigns.

Location: Aria B

5:15 pm          
Travel to University of Pennsylvania

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm     
University of Pennsylvania
Singh Center for Nanotechnology
3205 Walnut Street

7:30 pm          
Dinner on your own

Friday October 9, 2015

7:30 am – 11:45 am
Check-In, Registration, and Information Table Open

Location: Third Floor Atrium

8:00 am – 8:45 am     
Breakfast Roundtable Discussions

Tables will be devoted to informal discussions around the following topics:

  • International Network
  • Outreach, Engagement and Economic Development Network
  • Program Management and Innovation Network
  • Emerging Leaders
  • 2016 Conference Planning
  • Awards Discussion
  • Ways to Get Involved

    Location: Symphony

9:00 am – 10:00 am
General Session
UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership: An Overview and Case Study
Bob Hansen, CEO, UPCEA
Susan Aldridge, President, Drexel University Online
Bea González, Dean, Syracuse University

This interactive session will present an overview of the UPCEA Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership, and through facilitated discussion and case study, help position attendees to be leaders of strategic change on their campuses.

Dr. Robert J. Hansen was named Chief Executive Officer of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association in September 2010. He previously served as Associate Provost for University Outreach at the University of Southern Maine, a regional public university serving 10,000 students. Prior to that position, he spent six years at Saint Xavier University of Chicago as Assistant to the President & Secretary of the Corporation, and then as founding Executive Director of Orland Park Campus & Off-Campus Programs. Hansen also previously served as an education policy aide in the administration of former Illinois governor, Jim Edgar. Hansen earned a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois, an M.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Notre Dame.

Dr. Susan C. Aldridge serves as president of Drexel University Online meeting the unique needs of online students and pursuing new approaches to technology-enhanced learning.   In fall, 2014, the American Association of State Colleges and Universities published a book, "Wired for Success," which Dr. Aldridge co-authored.  The new book describes business models that harness technology and innovation to reform and transform higher education. For 18 years, Dr. Aldridge has held university executive leadership positions in some of the largest universities in the US. She has led entrepreneurial global campuses and provided the vision and strategic direction for increased access, sustainable growth strategies, developing student analytics and quality service metrics, while receiving the highest accreditation reviews. Dr. Aldridge is an experienced higher education strategist and academic leader, having served six years as President of University of Maryland University College and formerly as Vice Chancellor for the Global Campus at Troy University in Alabama. 

Bethaida “Bea” González has more than 30 years of experience in continuing education as well as a distinguished record of public service. González joined University College (UC) in 1984 as an academic advisor and quickly rose through the ranks. After serving as associate dean at UC, she was appointed interim dean in 2004 and dean in 2007. As dean of University College, González supervises quality programming for continuing education and summer programs, including credit and non-credit undergraduate and graduate studies, online and web courses, the English Language Institute, the Veterans Resource Center, and Summer@Syracuse programs.

González has served on and is a member of several professional organizations including the Association of University Summer Sessions, the Education Commission of the States, New York State Representative, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). As a long-standing member of the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), González has been asked to present at many conferences/workshops. She was president of UPCEA from 2014-2015 year.

Location: Symphony

10:00 am – 10:30 am 
Networking, Exhibitor Showcase, Refreshment Break

Location: Overture

10:30 am – 11:30 am 

Meet the Institutions & Adult Learners of Tomorrow

Chris Edwards, Helix Education
Nancy Krippel, Brenau University
Network: Marketing, Enrollment & Student Services

Keeping pace with students of tomorrow means institutions need to advance academics and operations, adopting new technologies, data analytic processes, and OPM strategies. Explore the shift in adult learners and how it impacts what institutions are doing to support the student life cycle and optimize the cost of graduation.

Nancy F. Krippel, Ph.D., has served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Brenau University since 2011. As the university’s top academic officer and Dean of the Faculty, Krippel oversees development and delivery of graduate and undergraduate studies on multiple educational platforms in the Brenau environment of combined on-campus and online learning opportunities. Krippel has significant experience in all academic areas and all academic platforms as Dean of Adult and Graduate Studies at Mary Baldwin College and as Associate Provost and Director of Graduate Studies at Longwood University, both in Virginia.

As Regional Vice President at Helix Education, Chris works with institutions to identify partnership opportunities to find, enroll, retain, and teach more students. Chris has nearly 15 years of experience in education technology spanning the student life cycle and earned his MBA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Location: Concerto


Building Successful Virtual Teams and Organizational Health at an Online University
Scott Bissell
Savitri Dixon-Saxon
Stacee Reicherzer
Kelly Coker
Walden University
Network: Online Management & Design

Online higher education can be a culture clash as traditional academic ideas interact with technology, changing student expectations, and a virtual work life that offers its own challenge. This is especially true for faculty and staff who may feel isolated and socially disconnected, and struggle with work-life balance as a result. We will discuss the building blocks for a successful virtual team, sharing our experiences with fostering organizational health for two schools at an online university. Participants will examine differing organizational health in the schools, evaluate their own organization’s health, and identify strategies for applying virtual team best practices to improve it. 


Dr. Savitri Dixon-Saxon, associate dean of the School of Counseling and School of Social Work and Human Services, has a twenty-five year career in higher education, the last ten of which have been as an administrator at Walden University.  Dr. Dixon-Saxon also has an MBA with a specialization in Leadership.

Dr. Kelly Coker is the senior director of accreditation and academic operations in the School of Counseling at Walden University.  She has worked as an assistant and associate professor in CACREP-accredited counseling programs as well as a core faculty member and administrator in online CACREP-accredited counseling programs.

Dr. Stacee Reicherzer is the academic program director for the Bachelor of Science in Human Services and the project manager for the School of Counseling at Walden University. She has supported numerous accreditation- and assessment- activities at the university, currently serving on the university’s Higher Learning Commission self-study steering committee. In addition, she has served in numerous roles to address diversity awareness at the university. To learn more, visit her at www.drstacee.com.

Scott Bissell is an Associate Director of Quality Assurance for Laureate Education and formerly served as the Associate Director of Instructional Design in the Center for Faculty Excellence at Walden University.  He has worked in several industries in performance improvement consulting and instructional design roles,  and is currently perusing a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Walden.  

Location: Aria A

11:30 am – 11:45 am 
Wrap Up & Adjourn
Bob Hansen & Chris Sax

Don’t rush off before taking time to share, discuss, and reflect on the lessons learned and post-conference action items of yourself and your colleagues.  This informal and engaging session is designed to help you hit the ground running with the new ideas and knowledge gained from this conference.

Chris Sax is the Associate Provost and Dean for Academic Outreach and Innovation at Shippensburg University.  In addition to the continuing education unit, her portfolio includes leadership for the university-wide strategic academic master plan, grants and sponsored programs office, faculty development programs, and a variety of distance education and academic innovation initiatives.

Dr. Robert J. Hansen was named Chief Executive Officer of the University Professional & Continuing Education Association in September 2010. He previously served as Associate Provost for University Outreach at the University of Southern Maine, a regional public university serving 10,000 students. Prior to that position, he spent six years at Saint Xavier University of Chicago as Assistant to the President & Secretary of the Corporation, and then as founding Executive Director of Orland Park Campus & Off-Campus Programs. Hansen also previously served as an education policy aide in the administration of former Illinois governor, Jim Edgar. Hansen earned a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Illinois, an M.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Notre Dame.

Location: Concerto


All dates and times are tentative and subject to change.


© University Professional & Continuing Education Association
One Dupont Circle, Suite 615, Washington, DC 20036
202-659-3130 | 202.785.0374 Fax | www.upcea.edu